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custom-set-variables overwritten by safe-local-variables

From: Ralf Angeli
Subject: custom-set-variables overwritten by safe-local-variables
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 23:44:48 +0200

The following mail was originally sent to the AUCTeX mailing list.  I
can reproduce the problem with a build on GNU/Linux checked out today.

--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] another Problem with recent emacs + auctex packages Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 13:53:34 +0200
2006/4/26, Ralf Angeli <address@hidden>:
> Can you provide a precise test case showing this behavior?  The test
> case should include an exact description of what you are doing, the
> .emacs file before and after you marked the variables as being secure.

I was not very precise indeed.  I was referring to messages like:

     > The local variables list in Kap.tex
     > contains values that may not be safe (*).
     > Do you want to apply it?  You can type
     > y  -- to apply the local variables list.
     > n  -- to ignore the local variables list.
     > !  -- to apply the local variables list, and
     >      mark these values (*) as
     >      safe (in the future, they can be set
     >      automatically.)
     >    * TeX-Master: main.tex

that I got when loading .tex-files like

          >          \section{\"Uberschrift}
          >          Etwas Text.
          >               % Local Variables:
          >               % TeX-master: "main.tex"
          >               % End:

to point auctex to a TeX-master-file such as

          >          \documentclass{article}
          >          \begin{document}
          >          \include{Kap}
          >          \end{document}

I had not got any such message in previous emacs+auctex Versions.

I now see that the problem most certainly is related not to auctex, but
to todo (part of the calendar package).

In case anyone might be interested and able and willing to help all the
same, this is my problem description:

1. I invoke emacs (as in emacs+auctex-w32-2006-03-09.zip) with
   .emacs.el and no .todo-do file in my homedirectory, .emacs.el
   having the following content:

; .emacs.el START
; Time-stamp: <2006-04-27 11:52:16 Rainer Thiel>

         (autoload 'todo-mode "todo-mode"
                   "Major mode for editing TODO lists." t)
         (autoload 'todo-show "todo-mode"
                   "Show TODO items." t)
         (autoload 'todo-insert-item "todo-mode"
                   "Add TODO item." t)

(setq european-calendar-style t) ; oben schon definiert
(setq number-of-diary-entries 14) ; Anzahl der Tage fuer diary
                                  ; ohne Argument

(diary)        ; diary und todo-Liste bei Start anzeigen; deshalb muss
(todo-show)    ; european-calendar-style und number-of-diary-entries
;;             ; schon vorher definiert sein

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(fill-column 72)

; .emacs.el END

--> emacs starts as exspected

2. I press M-x todo-insert-item and create a todo entry in the [Todo] category.
--> todo creates .todo-do and .todo-top in my home directory

3. I leave emacs

4. I re-start emacs
--> the following message is being displayed:

     > The local variables list in .todo-do
     > contains values that may not be safe (*).
     > Do you want to apply it?  You can type
     > y  -- to apply the local variables list.
     > n  -- to ignore the local variables list.
     > !  -- to apply the local variables list, and
     >      mark these values (*) as
     >      safe (in the future, they can be set
     >      automatically.)
     >    * todo-categories : (Todo Todo Todo)

5. I type `!'
--> .emacs.el is changed as follows:

; .emacs.el START
; Time-stamp: <2006-04-27 12:03:35 Rainer Thiel>

         (autoload 'todo-mode "todo-mode"
                   "Major mode for editing TODO lists." t)
         (autoload 'todo-show "todo-mode"
                   "Show TODO items." t)
         (autoload 'todo-insert-item "todo-mode"
                   "Add TODO item." t)

(setq european-calendar-style t) ; oben schon definiert
(setq number-of-diary-entries 14) ; Anzahl der Tage fuer diary
                                  ; ohne Argument

(diary)        ; diary und todo-Liste bei Start anzeigen; deshalb muss
(todo-show)    ; european-calendar-style und number-of-diary-entries
;;             ; schon vorher definiert sein
;; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((todo-categories "Todo" "Todo" "Todo")))))
; .emacs.el END

As is obvious, the line declaring the values as safe replaces the line
defining the fill-column instead of simply being added.  It also
doesn't have the desired effect, in that emacs asks about the unsafe
variable every time it is started.

When, on the other hand, todo is disabled, marking Local variables in
TeX-Files works as expected.

I have now disabled todo.

Many thanks again, also in advance

Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiel
Altertumswiss., Lehrstuhl Gräzistik
07737 Jena, Germany (EU)

--- End Message ---

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