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RE: bookmark-alist doc string is incorrect

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: bookmark-alist doc string is incorrect
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 13:34:32 -0700

This comment in bookmark.el is perhaps pertinent.

;;; File format stuff

;; The OLD format of the bookmark-alist was:
;;       ((bookmark-name (filename
;;                        string-in-front
;;                        string-behind
;;                        point))
;;        ...)
;; The NEW format of the bookmark-alist is:
;;       ((bookmark-name ((filename . FILENAME)
;;                        (front-context-string . string-in-front)
;;                        (rear-context-string  . string-behind)
;;                        (position . POINT)
;;                        (annotation . annotation)
;;                        (whatever   . VALUE)
;;                        ...
;;                        ))
;;        ...)
;; I switched to using an internal as well as external alist because I
;; felt that would be a more flexible framework in which to add
;; features.  It means that the order in which values appear doesn't
;; matter, and it means that arbitrary values can be added without
;; risk of interfering with existing ones.
;; BOOKMARK-NAME is the string the user gives the bookmark and
;; accesses it by from then on.
;; FILENAME is the location of the file in which the bookmark is set.
;; STRING-IN-FRONT is a string of `bookmark-search-size' chars of
;; context in front of the point at which the bookmark is set.
;; STRING-BEHIND is the same thing, but after the point.
;; The context strings exist so that modifications to a file don't
;; necessarily cause a bookmark's position to be invalidated.
;; bookmark-jump will search for STRING-BEHIND and STRING-IN-FRONT in
;; case the file has changed since the bookmark was set.  It will
;; attempt to place the user before the changes, if there were any.
;; ANNOTATION is the annotation for the bookmark; it may not exist
;; (for backward compatibility), be nil (no annotation), or be a
;; string.


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