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Re: OpenJFX 14, gradle

From: Julien Lepiller
Subject: Re: OpenJFX 14, gradle
Date: Sun, 03 May 2020 23:12:39 -0400
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Le 3 mai 2020 22:00:24 GMT-04:00, Michael Zucchi <address@hidden> a écrit :
>I'm trying to work on updating some java stuff as guix currently only 
>has java12 which is  a year out of date and javafx8 which is ancient.  
>Apart from openjdk 13 and 14 which is in motion I've started looking at
>openjfx 14.
>But openjfx needs to be compiled with gradle 6 now - the openjfx8 
>package uses ant but that is no longer an option (there's some netbeans
>ant files there but they seem non functional).  guix has no
>gradle and looking at gradle I can't imagine there will ever be a 
>source-bootstrapped package for it - the 6.0 distribution is 215 jar 
>files, mostly external libraries, and it needs gradle to build (because
>of course it does).  I'm assuming that guix wouldn't accept using 
>gradle-wrapper here which is the `supported' build mechanism for the 
>openjfx project.
>Partly out of curiosity and partly as a potential alternative I spent 
>the weekend creating a single 1000 line gnu makefile to replace the 
> >10kloc of gradle scripts and existing makefiles.  I haven't bothered 
>with javafx.web or javafx-swt but otherwise it's complete and only 
>requires antlr 4.7 at build time.  It uses gnu make features 
>specifically and assumes a gnu environment, but it's 3-4x faster on my 
>machine (amd r9-3900x).
>Another alternative could be simple build script that forgoes 
>incremental and parallel compilation support for a smaller script. I
>possibly get that down to a few dozen lines of bash if i can utilise
>existing makefiles.
>Is either approach worth pursuing or is the whole idea a lost cause?
>  Michael

Note that the ant-build-system is able to generate its own build.xml. that's 
going to be tough, so whatever works for you is fine, as long as everything is 
free software and source-bootstrapped.

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