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Re: New section to easily reference Debbugs URLs within Emacs Debbugs

From: Mekeor Melire
Subject: Re: New section to easily reference Debbugs URLs within Emacs Debbugs
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 21:53:58 +0000

2023-09-25 21:27

2023-09-17 16:51

> Hello,

Hello Maxim,

> If you use Emacs and Emacs-Debbugs, you may be interested in
> applying the settings newly documented in the 'Viewing Bugs > within > Emacs' section of the manual; see it at the bottom of info > "(guix)
> The Perfect Setup").
> I hope that's useful,

Thank you for sharing. The new section is very useful for me. I have
two things to feed back though.

First feedback: I think the new section should instruct to set the `bug-reference-url-format'. I.e. we should add this to the suggested
code snippet: (setq bug-reference-url-format
"";). Otherwise, the suggested code
snippet results in an error when a bug reference is clicked. See

Second feedback: It might be nice to write regular-expressions using
the `rx' macro, but imho writing them as strings is shorter,
unobtrusive and thus preferable for average Guix users. I.e. I'd
suggest to replace the two setq-expressions of code that the new
manual section suggests, with the following S-expressions

(setq bug-reference-bug-regexp "\\(\\b\\(?:[Bb]ug ?#?\\|[Pp]atch
?#\\|[Ff]ixes:? ?#\\|RFE ?#\\|PR

(setq debbugs-browse-url-regexp


[2. application/emacs-lisp; reproduce-error.el]...

Third thought: Use #' for quoting functions consistently. Maybe do some code alignment.

Putting all three thoughts together, I'd gather this code suggestion:

Attachment: new.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

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