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Re: Problem connecting to webdav share with path in sharename using Tram

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: Problem connecting to webdav share with path in sharename using Tramp
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2022 13:12:47 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) writes:

> Hi Michael,

Hi Manuel,

> I apologize for not having send all the information. I had anonymized
> the debug buffer but finally end up not attaching it.

No problem,

> Now, attached I include the debug log. It is not exactly the same one
> as I have reproduced again the error, but under the same conditions:
> freshly restarted Emacs, so nothing more has gone on. I hope that the
> output can be related to the information that I sent previously.

Thanks. The debug buffer tells us what's up, indeed.

>   backtrace()
>   tramp-error((tramp-file-name "davs" "hstuser" nil "" nil 
> "/" nil) user-error "Filename must contain a WebDAV share")
>   tramp-user-error((tramp-file-name "davs" "hstuser" nil "" 
> nil "/" nil) "Filename must contain a WebDAV share")
>   tramp-gvfs-maybe-open-connection((tramp-file-name "davs" "hstuser" nil 
> "" nil "/" nil))
>   tramp-gvfs-send-command((tramp-file-name "davs" "hstuser" nil 
> "" nil "/" nil) "gvfs-ls" "-h" "-n" "-a" 
> "name,type,standard::display-name,standard::symlink..." 
> "davs://")
>   tramp-gvfs-get-directory-attributes("/")
>   tramp-gvfs-handle-file-name-all-completions("" 
> "/")
>   tramp-gvfs-file-name-handler(file-name-all-completions "" 
> "/")
>   apply(tramp-gvfs-file-name-handler file-name-all-completions ("" 
> "/"))
>   tramp-file-name-handler(file-name-all-completions "" 
> "/")
>   file-name-all-completions("" "/")
>   completion-file-name-table("/" 
> file-exists-p t)
>   completion-pcm--all-completions("/" (point) 
> completion-file-name-table file-exists-p)
>   completion-basic-all-completions("/" 
> completion-file-name-table file-exists-p 32)
>   (and (vertico--remote-p string) (completion-basic-all-completions string 
> table pred point))
>   +vertico-basic-remote-all-completions("/" 
> completion-file-name-table file-exists-p 32)
>   #f(compiled-function (style) #<bytecode 
> 0x199d1c41c1285833>)(+vertico-basic-remote)
>   completion--some(#f(compiled-function (style) #<bytecode 
> 0x199d1c41c1285833>) (+vertico-basic-remote orderless partial-completion 
> basic))
>   completion--nth-completion(2 "/" 
> read-file-name-internal file-exists-p 32 (metadata (category . file) 
> (completion--unquote-requote . t)))
>   #<subr completion-all-completions>("/" 
> read-file-name-internal file-exists-p 32 (metadata (category . file) 
> (completion--unquote-requote . t)))
>   apply(#<subr completion-all-completions> 
> ("/" read-file-name-internal file-exists-p 32 
> (metadata (category . file) (completion--unquote-requote . t))))
>   completion-all-completions("/" 
> read-file-name-internal file-exists-p 32 (metadata (category . file) 
> (completion--unquote-requote . t)))
>   vertico--all-completions("/" 
> read-file-name-internal file-exists-p 32 (metadata (category . file) 
> (completion--unquote-requote . t)))
>   vertico--recompute-candidates(32 "/")
>   vertico--update-candidates(32 "/")
>   vertico--exhibit()
>   #<subr completing-read-default>("Find file: " read-file-name-internal 
> file-exists-p nil "~/" file-name-history "~/" nil)
>   vertico--advice(#<subr completing-read-default> "Find file: " 
> read-file-name-internal file-exists-p nil "~/" file-name-history "~/" nil)
>   apply(vertico--advice #<subr completing-read-default> ("Find file: " 
> read-file-name-internal file-exists-p nil "~/" file-name-history "~/" nil))
>   completing-read-default("Find file: " read-file-name-internal file-exists-p 
> nil "~/" file-name-history "~/" nil)
>   read-file-name-default("Find file: " nil "~/" nil nil nil)
>   read-file-name("Find file: " nil "~/" nil)
>   find-file-read-args("Find file: " nil)
>   byte-code("\300\301\302 \"\207" [find-file-read-args "Find file: " 
> confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer] 3)
>   command-execute(find-file)

You have called `find-file', and you are usung vertico. This completion
package tries to find eagerly all possible completions for

However, as the error message tells you, the "dav" and "davs" methods
require a share name after the trailing "/". I recommend to suppress
vertico (and other completion packages) for the moment, and try to start
"emacs -Q". Then you could try to open "C-x C-f 

> Best
> Manuel

Best regards, Michael.

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