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[aspell] Getting started

From: GSH
Subject: [aspell] Getting started
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 17:46:9

I just started looking into Aspell and although I'm a programmer, I'm 
having a little difficulty getting oriented (it's been a long time since I 
worked in C++ and I don't know much about the STL).

Can anyone point me to something like the world's most basic program that 
uses a few of the features of the aspell libraries (i.e. something that 
gets a word as input, looks it up, makes suggestions, records which choice 
the user made to correct it etc.)? I'm having trouble using and to figure this stuff out.

And as soon as I can afford a computer of my own, I'm going to try porting 
Aspell (or at least some limited subset of it; the libraries maybe) to 
BeOS. If any of you have advice on this front and would like to share it, I 
would be eternally grateful.


Note: This message was origanlly posted to address@hidden,
      not address@hidden

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