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[Aspell-user] aspell_speller_store_replace on Solaris

From: Bill Moseley
Subject: [Aspell-user] aspell_speller_store_replace on Solaris
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 12:57:27 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

This list still alive?


 aspell_speller_store_replacement() is returning false under
 Solaris 5.8 and no error message is returned.
 Aspell version 0.50.3 on both platforms.

Kevin (or anyone else), can you give any tips for debugging this?

I've attached some sample code below.  Here's the output from that code 
on Linux and on Solaris.

I'm making "spiller" a replacement 
for "speler":

On Linux:

address@hidden:~/Text-Aspell-0.02$ gcc t.c -laspell && ./a.out

Replacements for speler
   speller speer spiller spoiler spooler suppler spell spewer spellers 
speaker spiel Pelee peeler sealer seller soler supplier Pele spleen 
supple Kepler spelled spieled smeller spearer speeder spiker sprier 
stealer sweller 

<call replacement function here>

Replacements for speler
   spiller speller speer spoiler spooler suppler spell spewer spellers 
speaker spiel Pelee peeler sealer seller soler supplier Pele spleen 
supple Kepler spelled spieled smeller spearer speeder spiker sprier 
stealer sweller

Notice that "spiller" is not listed first.

Under Solaris 5.8 (one of the SourceForge compile farm machines):

bash-2.03$ LD_RUN_PATH=$HOME/aspell/lib gcc spell.c -I$HOME/aspell/include  
-L$HOME/aspell/lib -laspell && ./a.out

Replacements for speler
   speller speer spiller spoiler spooler suppler spell spewer spellers 
speaker spiel Pelee peeler sealer seller supplier Pele spleen supple 
Kepler spelled spieled smeller spearer speeder spiker sprier stealer 

Failed to store_replacment: 

So store_replacement is failing and not returning any error message.

Here's the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <aspell.h>

static void suggest( AspellSpeller * speller, const char *word )
    const AspellWordList *word_list;
    AspellStringEnumeration *els;
    const char *suggestion;

    word_list = aspell_speller_suggest( speller, word, -1 );
    if ( !word_list )
        printf("Suggest error for word %s: %s\n", 
                       aspell_speller_error_message(speller) );

    els = aspell_word_list_elements(word_list);

    printf("Replacements for %s\n   ", word );

    while ( (suggestion = aspell_string_enumeration_next(els)) )
        printf("%s ", suggestion );




int main( void )
        int correct;
        int ok;
        AspellCanHaveError * possible_err;
        AspellSpeller * spell_checker = 0;  /* Was manager */

        AspellConfig * spell_config = new_aspell_config();

        aspell_config_replace(spell_config, "lang", "en_US");

        possible_err = new_aspell_speller(spell_config);
        if (aspell_error_number(possible_err) != 0)
           return 1;

       spell_checker = to_aspell_speller(possible_err);

       suggest( spell_checker, "speler" );

       /* add in a replacement */
       ok = aspell_speller_store_replacement( spell_checker, "speler", -1, 
"spiller", -1 );
       if ( !ok )
            printf("Failed to store_replacment: %s\n", 
                       aspell_speller_error_message(spell_checker) );

            return 1;

       suggest( spell_checker, "speler" );

       return 0;


Bill Moseley

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