Here's my situation but before that, Thank you very
much to those who have replied so far. Your replies are very much
I'm working with a MS Windows system and have a form that I need a spell
checker for. This is an internal work site and not a commercial site.
I'd happened across 'Speller Pages' which is where I first experienced
Aspell and it appears that Speller Pages was initially designed to work
with Aspell version 0.50
I have Speller Pages working well with Aspell 0.50 in this form but I really would
like to get to the raw dictionary file (ASCII text I had hoped but not
the case) to remove inappropriate language (the naughty words contained
in the dictionary i.e. the 'F' word, etc). I have Aspell version 0.60
too but clearly it's a huge step up from 0.50 and it didn't easily lend
itself to a replacement for version 0.50 for Speller Pages and the form.
As I look at 0.50, there are four folders (bin, dict, data, doc) and
the file I 'suspect' is the 'words' file is in the 'dict' folder and
titled 'en-only.rws' (rather large file at 4,045,824).
So can someone give me more info on 'de-compiling' to edit the dictionary words
file and then re-compiling to a usable dictionary file? Am assuming
Dos command line commands for this task.
At any rate, there may be far better ways of doing or thinking of this
situation and being a newbie to Speller Pages, form spell checking and
such, I am all ears... :-)
Thank you kindly for any replies - and again, to those of you who have been kind enough to lend some advice thus far - a big thank you...