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Re: [Aspell-user] need text editor

From: Dinbandhu
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] need text editor
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 18:41:48 -0400

On Sun, 2008-06-29 at 00:23 -0300, Leonardo F. Fontenelle wrote:
> Em Sáb, 2008-06-28 às 18:55 -0400, Dinbandhu escreveu:
> > Actually, I have found that SCIM works in most anything. It doesn't
> > require any special "plugin" or anything. That is, one doesn't have to
> > "enable" the text editor to use it. It is its own application which one
> > activates from outside the text editor and which puts own toolbar for
> > language/script selection in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
> > And it will run in *any* program based on GTK or qt3/qt4 (and not only
> > those).
> > 
> That's great!
> Gvim is desktop-neutral, checks the spelling while you type, and has a
> right-click menu with spelling suggestions. Heck, it even works that way
> in the CLI interface! But then, it's Vim, with all the pros and cons.
> As a GNOME and former KDE user, I'm not sure I can remember a better
> suggestion :)
> Katoob and Leafpad use Enchant and don't depend on XFCE or GNOME, but I
> don't know their spell check features.

Hey Leonardo,
Thanks very much for your suggestion of Gvim. Sounds like it may fit our
needs really well. We'll definitely try it out. :)

I had written earlier to the Leafpad developer to ask about creating an
Aspell plugin; he seemed to think that this would be more suited in more
feature-rich text editors and Leafpad was meant to be just kept very
light and simple. 

But Gvim sounds great.  


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