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[AUCTeX] [Fwd: Usage of Auctex in conjunction with Noweb and Preview]

From: Pjotr Kourzanov
Subject: [AUCTeX] [Fwd: Usage of Auctex in conjunction with Noweb and Preview]
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2010 12:34:05 +0100


  Thanks a lot for your reply, however, I am not on this list, so 
please CC me personally... I have tried adding TeX-expand-list as
you proposed, but that doesn't help.

  I'd like to know if in your setup the previews do appear in the 
.nw buffer. For me, they only appear in the .tex buffers (the master
.tex and the .tex buffer that's generated by noweb from the .nw file).

  That is why I have tried to post-process the ".log" that's produced by
latex via this "nolatex" script. Thanks to noweb keeping the line 
numbers consistent across processing stages, I assumed that by a simple
replacement of ".nw.tex" to ".nw" and removal of noweb markup from the 
log, the Auctex could be tricked into putting previews directly into
the ".nw" buffer. But, it doesn't seem to work and being no Elisp 
expert, I am a bit stuck now.

  What I would like to achieve the having previews in the .nw buffer
directly. I have to say that the .nw buffer is having two major modes
(LaTeX and BEE) and one minor (Noweb), and I am trying to get previews
when I move into the LaTeX chunks inside the .nw buffer.

  BTW, everything else from Auctex seems to work in the .nw file, 
except the previews. I would really appreciate if somebody could confirm
the possibility of having previews inside buffers having 2 major modes
and/or having other extensions than ".tex".

Kind regards,

Pjotr Kourzanov 
[AUCTeX] Re: Usage of Auctex in conjunction with Noweb and Preview
Uwe Brauer
Sat, 23 Jan 2010 11:47:21 -0800

>>>>> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 16:09:35 +0100, Pjotr Kourzanov 
>>>>> <address@hidden> wrote:

   > Dear users and developers of Auctex,
   >   First of all, thanks a lot for a great tool that gave me a lot of 
   > pleasant surprises!

   >   In short, I am trying to use the Preview feature with Emacs 22 in 
   > conjunction with Noweb (a literate programming system), and I don't
   > get any previews in the .nw file. I know the issue has surfaced
   > before in the context of statistical software, but the solutions
   > don't appear to work for me, so I'd like to ask for your advice on
   > these mailing lists.

Hm I have used noweb in the past, but usually I run noweave on nw  files
noweave nonlinfd.nw > nonlinfd.tex
and then I latex on that file.

   >   The setup is standard: I have test.nw with this the at the end:

   > %%% Local Variables:
   > %%% mode: latex
   > %%% TeX-master: "main"
   > %%% LaTeX-command: "nolatex"
   > %%% End:

What is nolatex?

   >    Noweb processes  test.nw  and generates test.nw.tex while
   >   the main.tex does an \include{test.nw}  (I have also tried
   >    with \input test.nw),   relying on LaTeX to automatically
   >   append .tex to arrive at test.nw.tex.

   >     In  this script,   I   essentially (1)   replace .nw.tex
   >   extensions by .nw  and (2) remove contextual noweb  markup
   >    from Preview  snippet  section in the  log, which usually
   >   precedes the preview chunk of TeX.

I think noweave should produce files with the extension .tex not
.nw.tex Hm I had to do 3 things:

 '(TeX-file-extensions (quote ("tex" "sty" "cls" "ltx" "texi" "texinfo"
 "dtx" "nw" "m")))

'(TeX-expand-list (quote
 ("%w" file "nw" t)
and finally 
 '(TeX-command-list (quote
("noweave" "noweave %w > %s.tex" TeX-run-command t t)

All via custom 

   > I do see the effect of (1) in Emacs - previews don't appear
   > in .nw.tex buffer anymore, and (2) behaves also as expects -
   > both .nw.tex and main.tex buffers show previews. But the .nw
   > buffer is still devoid of previews.

I still don't understand you that should work since you can't run latex
on that buffer. So there is something I fail to understand.

Uwe Brauer 

--- Begin Message --- Subject: Usage of Auctex in conjunction with Noweb and Preview Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 16:09:39 +0100
Dear users and developers of Auctex,

  First of all, thanks a lot for a great tool that gave me a lot of 
pleasant surprises!

  In short, I am trying to use the Preview feature with Emacs 22 in 
conjunction with Noweb (a literate programming system), and I don't get 
any previews in the .nw file. I know the issue has surfaced before in 
the context of statistical software, but the solutions don't appear to
work for me, so I'd like to ask for your advice on these mailing lists.

  The setup is standard: I have test.nw with this the at the end:

%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "main"
%%% LaTeX-command: "nolatex"
%%% End:

  The Auctex in general just works with this .nw file, when the cursor 
is in a Documentation chunk (some settings are reset when I leave to a 
Code chunk and return back to a Documentation chunk later, as reported 
earlier), including Folding, keyboard binding etc. However, when I 
enable previews for the whole document, they appear only in .nw.tex and 
in main.tex buffers and not in the .nw buffer.

  Noweb processes test.nw and generates test.nw.tex while the main.tex 
does an \include{test.nw} (I have also  tried with \input test.nw), 
relying on LaTeX to automatically append .tex to arrive at test.nw.tex.

  I have tried looking at the preview.el (and tex.el), played around 
a bit by adding .nw to the list of TeX extensions, to no avail. Also, 
I noticed that multi-file support in Auctex triggers on the TeX logfile,
which I have also tried modifying via the "nolatex" wrapper script. 

  In this script, I essentially (1) replace .nw.tex extensions by .nw 
and (2) remove contextual noweb markup from Preview snippet section 
in the log, which usually precedes the preview chunk of TeX. 

  I do see the effect of (1) in Emacs - previews don't appear 
in .nw.tex  buffer anymore, and (2) behaves also as expects - 
both .nw.tex and main.tex buffers show previews. But the .nw buffer is 
still devoid of previews.

  Any ideas are greatly appreciated...


Pjotr Kourzanov

P.S. I don't know if it matters, but I'm using this mode line for Emacs
     in the .nw file: %-*- mode:Noweb; noweb-code-mode:bee-mode -*-
     Bee is a mode for the Bigloo Scheme implementation.

--- End Message ---

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