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Re: [AUCTeX] Question on Preview

From: Dr. Ing. Dieter Jurzitza
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] Question on Preview
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 20:37:06 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.3 (Linux/2.6.34-12-default; KDE/4.4.4; i686; ; )

Dear Ralf,
sorry, you answered twice, I replied to your PM, my fault. However, I have 
been fiddling around with this issue, but even trying your suggestion did not 
change anything. Probably an issue with ghostscript?

The file "prv_test.fmt" has a size of 3390695 Byte, what sounds huge compared 
to the contents of the "regular" tex-file - but I cannot judge what should be 
considered "normal" in this regard.

If I should provide any additional information - please let me know.
In any case, many thanks for your ongoing efforts so far!
Take care

Dieter Jurzitza

By the way, the system I am working on is openSUSE 11.3 "out of the box"

> Am Sonntag, 1. August 2010, 22:23:39 schrieb Ralf Angeli:
> starting Emacs like this:
> emacs -Q -l auctex -l preview-latex


                 /\_/\           |
                | ~x~ |/-----\   /
                 \   /-       \_/
  ^^__   _        /  _  ____   /
 <°°__ \- \_/     |  |/    |  |
  ||  ||         _| _|    _| _|

if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)

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