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[AUCTeX] TeX-auto-generate confused by comments

From: Tristan Miller
Subject: [AUCTeX] TeX-auto-generate confused by comments
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 15:46:10 +0200

Dear all,

In a separate thread I was advised to run TeX-auto-generate to generate
style hooks for the custom classes I'm using.  I discovered that this
command seems to get confused by comments in the optional argument to
\RequirePackage.  For example, take the following class file:

\ProvidesClass{foo}[2017/09/07 v0.1 test class]
backend=biber, % here is a comment

Running TeX-auto-generate on this class file results in the following
style file, which fails to account for the use of biblatex:

 (lambda ()

However, removing "% here is a comment" and re-running
TeX-auto-generate results in the following, which looks more correct:

 (lambda ()
   (TeX-add-to-alist 'LaTeX-provided-package-options
                     '(("biblatex" "backend=biber" "")))

Am I correct in assuming that this is a bug?  I know that a lot of
people use comments like this to explain the purpose of (sometimes very
obscure) package options.


                  Tristan Miller
Free Software developer, ferret herder, logologist

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