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Re: [AUCTeX] Can the hook `TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions' wor

From: Arash Esbati
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] Can the hook `TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions' work as a file local variable?
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 23:29:19 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.3

address@hidden (Diogo F. S. Ramos) writes:

>>> I'm setting the hook `TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions' as a
>>> file local variable, but the functions aren't being called after I
>>> compile my document.  Shouldn't they?
>> try adding your function to the hook with `add-hook'; this works for me:
>>    ...
>>    \end{document}
>>    %%% Local Variables:
>>    %%% mode: latex
>>    %%% TeX-master: t
>>    %%% eval: (add-hook 'TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions (lambda (x) 
>> (message "hello, world!")))
>>    %%% End:
> Ah, thank you, Arash.  But I think then the variable
> `TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions' won't be file local.  I want
> it to be file local so the function in hook will only execute if I
> compile this document.

,----[ C-h f add-hook RET ]
| add-hook is a compiled Lisp function in ‘subr.el’.
| (add-hook HOOK FUNCTION &optional APPEND LOCAL)
| Add to the value of HOOK the function FUNCTION.
| FUNCTION is not added if already present.
| FUNCTION is added (if necessary) at the beginning of the hook list
| unless the optional argument APPEND is non-nil, in which case
| FUNCTION is added at the end.
| The optional fourth argument, LOCAL, if non-nil, says to modify
| the hook’s buffer-local value rather than its global value.
| This makes the hook buffer-local, and it makes t a member of the
| buffer-local value.  That acts as a flag to run the hook
| functions of the global value as well as in the local value.
| HOOK should be a symbol, and FUNCTION may be any valid function.  If
| HOOK is void, it is first set to nil.  If HOOK’s value is a single
| function, it is changed to a list of functions.

Set the LOCAL argument to t.  It should do the trick.

Best, Arash

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