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[Axiom-developer] 20081003.01.tpd.patch (bookvol10.2 add POLYCAT)

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20081003.01.tpd.patch (bookvol10.2 add POLYCAT)
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 13:10:03 -0500

Add PolynomialCategory to bookvol10.2
diff --git a/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet b/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
index 35305df..5685fd5 100644
--- a/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
@@ -853,6 +853,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -1191,6 +1192,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -1253,6 +1255,16 @@ InnerEvalable(A:SetCategory, B:Type): Category == with
 "InnerEvalable(a:SetCategory,b:SetCategory)" ->
+ [color=seagreen,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=IEVALAB"];
+"InnerEvalable(a:OrderedSet,b:Ring)" ->
+    "InnerEvalable(a:SetCategory,b:Type)"
+ [color=seagreen,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=IEVALAB"];
+    "InnerEvalable(a:SetCategory,b:Type)"
@@ -1485,6 +1497,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -1545,6 +1558,10 @@ RetractableTo(S: Type): Category == with
 "RetractableTo(SetCategory)" -> "RetractableTo(a:Type)"
+ [color=seagreen,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=RETRACT"];
+"RetractableTo(OrderedSet)" -> "RetractableTo(a:Type)"
 "RetractableTo(Symbol)" -> "RetractableTo(a:Type)"
@@ -2059,10 +2076,12 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
 These are directly exported but not implemented:
@@ -2127,6 +2146,11 @@ Evalable(R:SetCategory): Category == InnerEvalable(R,R) 
 "Evalable(ExpressionSpace)" -> "Evalable(a:SetCategory)"
+ [color=seagreen,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=EVALAB"];
+  -> "Evalable(a:SetCategory)"
 digraph pic {
@@ -3961,6 +3985,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -4087,6 +4112,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -4149,7 +4175,13 @@ PatternMatchable(S:SetCategory): Category == SetCategory 
 "PatternMatchable(a:SetCategory)" -> "SetCategory()"
+ [color=seagreen,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=PATMAB"];
 "PatternMatchable(Integer)" -> "PatternMatchable(a:SetCategory)"
+ [color=seagreen,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=PATMAB"];
 "PatternMatchable(Float)" -> "PatternMatchable(a:SetCategory)"
@@ -17406,6 +17438,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
@@ -17432,14 +17465,13 @@ digraph pic {
 \cross{COMRING}{?=?} &
-{\bf Attributes:}
+{\bf Attributes exported:}
 \item {\bf \cross{COMRING}{commutative("*")}}
 is true if it has an operation $"*": (D,D) -> D$
 which is commutative.
 These exports come from \refto{Ring}():
  0 : () -> %
@@ -18244,6 +18276,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -18278,13 +18311,13 @@ These are directly exported but not implemented:
 These are implemented by this category:
- differentiate : (%,List S) -> %
- differentiate : (%,S,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
- differentiate : (%,List S,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
  D : (%,S) -> %
  D : (%,List S) -> %                  
  D : (%,S,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
  D : (%,List S,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ differentiate : (%,List S) -> %
+ differentiate : (%,S,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ differentiate : (%,List S,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
 These exports come from \refto{Ring}():
@@ -18657,6 +18690,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
@@ -18935,6 +18969,11 @@ FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(R:Ring, 
E:OrderedAbelianMonoid): Category ==
 "FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoid)" ->
+ [color=seagreen,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=FAMR"];
+"FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup)" ->
+    "FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoid)"
 digraph pic {
@@ -19007,6 +19046,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -21646,6 +21686,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
@@ -21698,23 +21739,23 @@ These are implemented by this category:
 These exports come from \refto{IntegralDomain}():
- associates? : (%,%) -> Boolean
- exquo : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
- unit? : % -> Boolean                 
- unitCanonical : % -> %
- unitNormal : % -> Record(unit: %,canonical: %,associate: %)
  0 : () -> %
  1 : () -> %                          
+ associates? : (%,%) -> Boolean
  characteristic : () -> NonNegativeInteger
  coerce : % -> %                      
  coerce : Integer -> %
  coerce : % -> OutputForm             
+ exquo : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
  hash : % -> SingleInteger
  latex : % -> String                  
  one? : % -> Boolean
  recip : % -> Union(%,"failed")       
  sample : () -> %
  subtractIfCan : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ unit? : % -> Boolean                 
+ unitCanonical : % -> %
+ unitNormal : % -> Record(unit: %,canonical: %,associate: %)
  zero? : % -> Boolean                 
  ?+? : (%,%) -> %                     
  ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean
@@ -22700,6 +22741,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -23180,6 +23222,946 @@ digraph pic {
+{\bf See:}\\
+{\bf Exports:}\\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{0} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{1} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{associates?} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{binomThmExpt} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{characteristic} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{charthRoot} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{coefficient} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{coefficients} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{coerce} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{conditionP} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{content} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{convert} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{D} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{degree} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{differentiate} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{discriminant} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{eval} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{exquo} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{factor} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{factorPolynomial} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{factorSquareFreePolynomial} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{gcd} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{gcdPolynomial} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{ground} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{ground?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{hash} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{isExpt} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{isPlus} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{isTimes} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{latex} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{lcm} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{leadingCoefficient} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{leadingMonomial} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{mainVariable} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{map} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{mapExponents} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{max} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{min} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{minimumDegree} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{monicDivide} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{monomial} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{monomial?} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{monomials} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{multivariate} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{numberOfMonomials} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{one?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{patternMatch} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{pomopo!} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{prime?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{primitiveMonomials} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{primitivePart} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{recip} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{reducedSystem} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{reductum} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{resultant} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{retract} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{retractIfCan} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{sample} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{solveLinearPolynomialEquation} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{squareFree} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{squareFreePart} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{squareFreePolynomial} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{subtractIfCan} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{totalDegree} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{unit?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{unitCanonical} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{unitNormal} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{univariate} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{variables} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{zero?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?*?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?**?} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?+?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?-?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{-?} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?=?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?\^{}?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?\~{}=?} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?/?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?$<$?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?$<=$?} \\
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?$>$?} &
+\cross{POLYCAT}{?$>=$?} &
+{\bf Attributes exported:}
+\item if R has canonicalUnitNormal then canonicalUnitNormal where
+{\bf \cross{POLYCAT}{canonicalUnitNormal}}
+is true if we can choose a canonical representative for each class 
+of associate elements, that is {\tt associates?(a,b)} returns true 
+if and only if {\tt unitCanonical(a) = unitCanonical(b)}.
+These are directly exported but not implemented:
+ degree : (%,VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ degree : (%,List VarSet) -> List NonNegativeInteger
+ mainVariable : % -> Union(VarSet,"failed")
+ minimumDegree : (%,List VarSet) -> List NonNegativeInteger
+ minimumDegree : (%,VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ monomial : (%,VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ multivariate : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %,VarSet) -> %
+ multivariate : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial R,VarSet) -> %
+ univariate : (%,VarSet) -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
+ univariate : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R
+ variables : % -> List VarSet
+These are implemented by this category:
+ charthRoot : % -> Union(%,"failed") 
+  if 
+    and(has($,CharacteristicNonZero),
+        has(R,PolynomialFactorizationExplicit)) 
+    or R has CHARNZ
+ coefficient : (%,VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ coefficient : (%,List VarSet,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ conditionP : Matrix % -> Union(Vector %,"failed") 
+  if 
+    and(has($,CharacteristicNonZero),
+        has(R,PolynomialFactorizationExplicit))
+ content : (%,VarSet) -> % if R has GCDDOM
+ convert : % -> Pattern Integer 
+     if VarSet has KONVERT PATTERN INT 
+ convert : % -> Pattern Float 
+     if VarSet has KONVERT PATTERN FLOAT 
+ convert : % -> InputForm 
+     if VarSet has KONVERT INFORM 
+     and R has KONVERT INFORM
+ discriminant : (%,VarSet) -> % if R has COMRING
+ eval : (%,List Equation %) -> %      
+ factor : % -> Factored % if R has PFECAT
+ factorPolynomial :
+    SparseUnivariatePolynomial % ->
+       Factored SparseUnivariatePolynomial % 
+         if R has PFECAT
+ factorSquareFreePolynomial :
+    SparseUnivariatePolynomial % ->
+       Factored SparseUnivariatePolynomial % 
+         if R has PFECAT
+ gcdPolynomial : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %,
+                  SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) ->
+                     SparseUnivariatePolynomial % 
+     if R has GCDDOM
+ isExpt : % ->
+   Union(Record(var: VarSet,exponent: NonNegativeInteger),"failed")
+ isPlus : % -> Union(List %,"failed")
+ isTimes : % -> Union(List %,"failed")
+ monicDivide : (%,%,VarSet) -> Record(quotient: %,remainder: %)
+ monomial : (%,List VarSet,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ monomials : % -> List %              
+ patternMatch :
+   (%,Pattern Integer,PatternMatchResult(Integer,%)) ->
+     PatternMatchResult(Integer,%) 
+       if VarSet has PATMAB INT 
+       and R has PATMAB INT
+ patternMatch :
+    (%,Pattern Float,PatternMatchResult(Float,%)) ->
+      PatternMatchResult(Float,%) 
+        if VarSet has PATMAB FLOAT 
+        and R has PATMAB FLOAT
+ primitiveMonomials : % -> List %
+ primitivePart : % -> % if R has GCDDOM
+ primitivePart : (%,VarSet) -> % if R has GCDDOM
+ reducedSystem : Matrix % -> Matrix R
+ reducedSystem : (Matrix %,Vector %) ->
+    Record(mat: Matrix R,vec: Vector R)
+ resultant : (%,%,VarSet) -> % if R has COMRING
+ retract : % -> VarSet                
+ retractIfCan : % -> Union(VarSet,"failed")
+ solveLinearPolynomialEquation :
+    (List SparseUnivariatePolynomial %,
+     SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) ->
+        Union(List SparseUnivariatePolynomial %,"failed") 
+          if R has PFECAT
+ squareFree : % -> Factored % if R has GCDDOM
+ squareFreePart : % -> % if R has GCDDOM
+ totalDegree : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ totalDegree : (%,List VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ?<? : (%,%) -> Boolean if R has ORDSET
+These exports come from \refto{PartialDifferentialRing}(VarSet)\\
+where VarSet:OrderedSet:
+ 0 : () -> %
+ 1 : () -> %                          
+ characteristic : () -> NonNegativeInteger
+ coerce : Integer -> %
+ coerce : % -> OutputForm             
+ D : (%,List VarSet) -> %             
+ D : (%,VarSet) -> %
+ D : (%,List VarSet,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ D : (%,VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ differentiate : (%,VarSet) -> %      
+ differentiate : (%,List VarSet,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ differentiate : (%,VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ differentiate : (%,List VarSet) -> %
+ hash : % -> SingleInteger
+ latex : % -> String                  
+ one? : % -> Boolean
+ recip : % -> Union(%,"failed")       
+ sample : () -> %                     
+ subtractIfCan : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ zero? : % -> Boolean                 
+ ?+? : (%,%) -> %                     
+ ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+ ?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+ ?*? : (%,%) -> %                     
+ ?*? : (Integer,%) -> %
+ ?*? : (PositiveInteger,%) -> %       
+ ?*? : (NonNegativeInteger,%) -> %
+ ?-? : (%,%) -> %
+ -? : % -> %                          
+ ?^? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> %       
+ ?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ?**? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ?**? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> %
+These exports come from \refto{FiniteAbelianMonoidRing}(R,E)\\
+where R:Ring and E:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup:
+ associates? : (%,%) -> Boolean if R has INTDOM
+ binomThmExpt : (%,%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % 
+     if R has COMRING
+ coefficient : (%,E) -> R
+ coefficients : % -> List R           
+ coerce : R -> %                      
+ coerce : Fraction Integer -> % 
+     if R has RETRACT FRAC INT 
+     or R has ALGEBRA FRAC INT
+ coerce : % -> % if R has INTDOM
+ content : % -> R if R has GCDDOM
+ degree : % -> E
+ exquo : (%,R) -> Union(%,"failed") if R has INTDOM
+ exquo : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed") if R has INTDOM
+ ground : % -> R
+ ground? : % -> Boolean               
+ leadingCoefficient : % -> R
+ leadingMonomial : % -> %             
+ map : ((R -> R),%) -> %
+ mapExponents : ((E -> E),%) -> %     
+ minimumDegree : % -> E
+ monomial : (R,E) -> %                
+ monomial? : % -> Boolean
+ numberOfMonomials : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ pomopo! : (%,R,E,%) -> %             
+ reductum : % -> %
+ retract : % -> Integer if R has RETRACT INT
+ retract : % -> Fraction Integer 
+     if R has RETRACT FRAC INT
+ retractIfCan : % -> Union(Integer,"failed") 
+     if R has RETRACT INT
+ retractIfCan : % -> Union(Fraction Integer,"failed") 
+     if R has RETRACT FRAC INT
+ unit? : % -> Boolean if R has INTDOM
+ unitCanonical : % -> % if R has INTDOM
+ unitNormal : % -> Record(unit: %,canonical: %,associate: %) 
+     if R has INTDOM
+ ?*? : (%,R) -> %                     
+ ?*? : (R,%) -> %
+ ?*? : (Fraction Integer,%) -> % 
+     if R has ALGEBRA FRAC INT
+ ?*? : (%,Fraction Integer) -> % 
+     if R has ALGEBRA FRAC INT
+ ?/? : (%,R) -> % if R has FIELD
+These exports come from \refto{Evalable}(PolynomialCategory(...)):
+ eval : (%,Equation %) -> %
+ eval : (%,List %,List %) -> %
+ eval : (%,%,%) -> %                  
+These exports come from \refto{InnerEvalable}(VarSet,R)\\
+where VarSet:OrderedSet and R:Ring
+ eval : (%,VarSet,R) -> %             
+ eval : (%,List VarSet,List R) -> %
+These exports come from \refto{InnerEvalable}(VarSet,R)\\
+where VarSet:OrderedSet and R:PolynomialCategory(...):
+ eval : (%,VarSet,%) -> %
+ eval : (%,List VarSet,List %) -> %
+These exports come from \refto{RetractableTo}(VarSet)\\
+where VarSet:OrderedSet:
+ coerce : VarSet -> %
+ retract : % -> R
+ retractIfCan : % -> Union(R,"failed")
+These exports come from \refto{FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver}(R)\\
+where R:Ring:
+ reducedSystem : (Matrix %,Vector %) ->
+    Record(mat: Matrix Integer,vec: Vector Integer) 
+       if R has LINEXP INT
+ reducedSystem : Matrix % -> Matrix Integer 
+       if R has LINEXP INT
+These exports come from \refto{OrderedSet}():
+ max : (%,%) -> % if R has ORDSET
+ min : (%,%) -> % if R has ORDSET
+ ?<=? : (%,%) -> Boolean if R has ORDSET
+ ?>? : (%,%) -> Boolean if R has ORDSET
+ ?>=? : (%,%) -> Boolean if R has ORDSET
+These exports come from \refto{GcdDomain}():
+ gcd : (%,%) -> % if R has GCDDOM
+ gcd : List % -> % if R has GCDDOM
+ lcm : (%,%) -> % if R has GCDDOM
+ lcm : List % -> % if R has GCDDOM
+These exports come from \refto{PolynomialFactorizationExplicit}():
+ prime? : % -> Boolean if R has PFECAT
+ squareFreePolynomial : SparseUnivariatePolynomial % ->
+    Factored SparseUnivariatePolynomial % 
+      if R has PFECAT
+These exports come from \refto{ConvertibleTo}(InputForm):
+These exports come from \refto{ConvertibleTo}(Pattern(Integer)):
+These exports come from \refto{ConvertibleTo}(Pattern(Float)):
+These exports come from \refto{PatternMatchable}(Pattern(Integer)):
+These exports come from \refto{PatternMatchable}(Pattern(Float)):
+These exports come from \refto{CommutativeRing}():
+<<category POLYCAT PolynomialCategory>>=
+)abbrev category POLYCAT PolynomialCategory
+++ Author:
+++ Date Created:
+++ Date Last Updated:
+++ Basic Functions: Ring, monomial, coefficient, differentiate, eval
+++ Related Constructors: Polynomial, DistributedMultivariatePolynomial
+++ Also See: UnivariatePolynomialCategory
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ The category for general multi-variate polynomials over a ring
+++ R, in variables from VarSet, with exponents from the
+++ \spadtype{OrderedAbelianMonoidSup}.
+PolynomialCategory(R:Ring, E:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup, VarSet:OrderedSet):
+        Category ==
+  Join(PartialDifferentialRing VarSet, FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(R, E),
+       Evalable %, InnerEvalable(VarSet, R),
+       InnerEvalable(VarSet, %), RetractableTo VarSet,
+       FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver R) with
+    degree : (%,VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+      ++ degree(p,v) gives the degree of polynomial p with respect 
+      ++ to the variable v.
+    degree : (%,List(VarSet)) -> List(NonNegativeInteger)
+      ++ degree(p,lv) gives the list of degrees of polynomial p
+      ++ with respect to each of the variables in the list lv.
+    coefficient: (%,VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+      ++ coefficient(p,v,n) views the polynomial p as a univariate
+      ++ polynomial in v and returns the coefficient of the \spad{v**n} term.
+    coefficient: (%,List VarSet,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+      ++ coefficient(p, lv, ln) views the polynomial p as a polynomial
+      ++ in the variables of lv and returns the coefficient of the term
+      ++ \spad{lv**ln}, i.e. \spad{prod(lv_i ** ln_i)}.
+    monomials: % -> List %
+      ++ monomials(p) returns the list of non-zero monomials of 
+      ++ polynomial p, i.e.
+      ++ \spad{monomials(sum(a_(i) X^(i))) = [a_(1) X^(1),...,a_(n) X^(n)]}.
+    univariate   : (%,VarSet) -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial(%)
+      ++ univariate(p,v) converts the multivariate polynomial p
+      ++ into a univariate polynomial in v, whose coefficients are still
+      ++ multivariate polynomials (in all the other variables).
+    univariate   : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial(R)
+      ++ univariate(p) converts the multivariate polynomial p,
+      ++ which should actually involve only one variable,
+      ++ into a univariate polynomial
+      ++ in that variable, whose coefficients are in the ground ring.
+      ++ Error: if polynomial is genuinely multivariate
+    mainVariable  : % -> Union(VarSet,"failed")
+      ++ mainVariable(p) returns the biggest variable which actually
+      ++ occurs in the polynomial p, or "failed" if no variables are
+      ++ present.
+      ++ fails precisely if polynomial satisfies ground?
+    minimumDegree : (%,VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+      ++ minimumDegree(p,v) gives the minimum degree of polynomial p
+      ++ with respect to v, i.e. viewed a univariate polynomial in v
+    minimumDegree : (%,List(VarSet)) -> List(NonNegativeInteger)
+      ++ minimumDegree(p, lv) gives the list of minimum degrees of the
+      ++ polynomial p with respect to each of the variables in the list lv
+    monicDivide : (%,%,VarSet) -> Record(quotient:%,remainder:%)
+      ++ monicDivide(a,b,v) divides the polynomial a by the polynomial b,
+      ++ with each viewed as a univariate polynomial in v returning
+      ++ both the quotient and remainder.
+      ++ Error: if b is not monic with respect to v.
+    monomial : (%,VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+      ++ monomial(a,x,n) creates the monomial \spad{a*x**n} where \spad{a} is
+      ++ a polynomial, x is a variable and n is a nonnegative integer.
+    monomial : (%,List VarSet,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+      ++ monomial(a,[],[e1..en]) returns \spad{a*prod(vi**ei)}.
+    multivariate : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial(R),VarSet) -> %
+      ++ multivariate(sup,v) converts an anonymous univariable
+      ++ polynomial sup to a polynomial in the variable v.
+    multivariate : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial(%),VarSet) -> %
+      ++ multivariate(sup,v) converts an anonymous univariable
+      ++ polynomial sup to a polynomial in the variable v.
+    isPlus: % -> Union(List %, "failed")
+      ++ isPlus(p) returns \spad{[m1,...,mn]} if polynomial 
+      ++ \spad{p = m1 + ... + mn} and
+      ++ \spad{n >= 2} and each mi is a nonzero monomial.
+    isTimes: % -> Union(List %, "failed")
+      ++ isTimes(p) returns \spad{[a1,...,an]} if polynomial 
+      ++ \spad{p = a1 ... an} and \spad{n >= 2}, and, for each i, 
+      ++ ai is either a nontrivial constant in R or else of the
+      ++ form \spad{x**e}, where \spad{e > 0} is an integer 
+      ++ and x in a member of VarSet.
+    isExpt: % -> Union(Record(var:VarSet, exponent:NonNegativeInteger),_
+                       "failed")
+      ++ isExpt(p) returns \spad{[x, n]} if polynomial p has the 
+      ++ form \spad{x**n} and \spad{n > 0}.
+    totalDegree : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+      ++ totalDegree(p) returns the largest sum over all monomials
+      ++ of all exponents of a monomial.
+    totalDegree : (%,List VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+      ++ totalDegree(p, lv) returns the maximum sum (over all monomials 
+      ++ of polynomial p) of the variables in the list lv.
+    variables : % -> List(VarSet)
+      ++ variables(p) returns the list of those variables actually
+      ++ appearing in the polynomial p.
+    primitiveMonomials: % -> List %
+      ++ primitiveMonomials(p) gives the list of monomials of the
+      ++ polynomial p with their coefficients removed. Note:
+      ++ \spad{primitiveMonomials(sum(a_(i) X^(i))) = [X^(1),...,X^(n)]}.
+    if R has OrderedSet  then OrderedSet
+    -- OrderedRing view removed to allow EXPR to define abs
+    --if R has OrderedRing then OrderedRing
+    if (R has ConvertibleTo InputForm) and
+       (VarSet has ConvertibleTo InputForm) then
+         ConvertibleTo InputForm
+    if (R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer) and
+       (VarSet has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer) then
+         ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer
+    if (R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float) and
+       (VarSet has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float) then
+         ConvertibleTo Pattern Float
+    if (R has PatternMatchable Integer) and
+       (VarSet has PatternMatchable Integer) then
+         PatternMatchable Integer
+    if (R has PatternMatchable Float) and
+       (VarSet has PatternMatchable Float) then
+         PatternMatchable Float
+    if R has CommutativeRing then
+      resultant : (%,%,VarSet) -> %
+         ++ resultant(p,q,v) returns the resultant of the polynomials
+         ++ p and q with respect to the variable v.
+      discriminant : (%,VarSet) -> %
+         ++ discriminant(p,v) returns the disriminant of the polynomial p
+         ++ with respect to the variable v.
+    if R has GcdDomain then
+      GcdDomain
+      content: (%,VarSet) -> %
+        ++ content(p,v) is the gcd of the coefficients of the polynomial p
+        ++ when p is viewed as a univariate polynomial with respect to the
+        ++ variable v.
+        ++ Thus, for polynomial 7*x**2*y + 14*x*y**2, the gcd of the
+        ++ coefficients with respect to x is 7*y.
+      primitivePart: % -> %
+        ++ primitivePart(p) returns the unitCanonical associate of the
+        ++ polynomial p with its content divided out.
+      primitivePart: (%,VarSet) -> %
+        ++ primitivePart(p,v) returns the unitCanonical associate of the
+        ++ polynomial p with its content with respect to the variable v
+        ++ divided out.
+      squareFree: % -> Factored %
+        ++ squareFree(p) returns the square free factorization of the
+        ++ polynomial p.
+      squareFreePart: % -> %
+        ++ squareFreePart(p) returns product of all the irreducible factors
+        ++ of polynomial p each taken with multiplicity one.
+    -- assertions
+    if R has canonicalUnitNormal then canonicalUnitNormal
+             ++ we can choose a unique representative for each
+             ++ associate class.
+             ++ This normalization is chosen to be normalization of
+             ++ leading coefficient (by default).
+    if R has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit then
+       PolynomialFactorizationExplicit
+ add
+    p:%
+    v:VarSet
+    ln:List NonNegativeInteger
+    lv:List VarSet
+    n:NonNegativeInteger
+    pp,qq:SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
+    eval(p:%, l:List Equation %) ==
+      empty? l => p
+      for e in l repeat
+        retractIfCan(lhs e)@Union(VarSet,"failed") case "failed" => 
+             error "cannot find a variable to evaluate"
+      lvar:=[retract(lhs e)@VarSet for e in l]
+      eval(p, lvar,[rhs e for e in l]$List(%))
+    monomials p ==
+--    zero? p => empty()
+--    concat(leadingMonomial p, monomials reductum p)
+--    replaced by sequential version for efficiency, by WMSIT, 7/30/90
+      ml:= empty$List(%)
+      while p ^= 0 repeat
+        ml:=concat(leadingMonomial p, ml)
+        p:= reductum p
+      reverse ml
+    isPlus p ==
+      empty? rest(l := monomials p) => "failed"
+      l
+    isTimes p ==
+      empty?(lv := variables p) or not monomial? p => "failed"
+      l := [monomial(1, v, degree(p, v)) for v in lv]
+--      one?(r := leadingCoefficient p) =>
+      ((r := leadingCoefficient p) = 1) =>
+        empty? rest lv => "failed"
+        l
+      concat(r::%, l)
+    isExpt p ==
+      (u := mainVariable p) case "failed" => "failed"
+      p = monomial(1, u::VarSet, d := degree(p, u::VarSet)) =>
+        [u::VarSet, d]
+      "failed"
+    coefficient(p,v,n) == coefficient(univariate(p,v),n)
+    coefficient(p,lv,ln) ==
+       empty? lv =>
+         empty? ln => p
+         error "mismatched lists in coefficient"
+       empty? ln  => error "mismatched lists in coefficient"
+       coefficient(coefficient(univariate(p,first lv),first ln),
+                   rest lv,rest ln)
+    monomial(p,lv,ln) ==
+       empty? lv =>
+         empty? ln => p
+         error "mismatched lists in monomial"
+       empty? ln  => error "mismatched lists in monomial"
+       monomial(monomial(p,first lv, first ln),rest lv, rest ln)
+    retract(p:%):VarSet ==
+      q := mainVariable(p)::VarSet
+      q::% = p => q
+      error "Polynomial is not a single variable"
+    retractIfCan(p:%):Union(VarSet, "failed") ==
+      ((q := mainVariable p) case VarSet) and (q::VarSet::% = p) => q
+      "failed"
+    mkPrim(p:%):% == monomial(1,degree p)
+    primitiveMonomials p == [mkPrim q for q in monomials p]
+    totalDegree p ==
+        ground? p => 0
+        u := univariate(p, mainVariable(p)::VarSet)
+        d: NonNegativeInteger := 0
+        while u ^= 0 repeat
+          d := max(d, degree u + totalDegree leadingCoefficient u)
+          u := reductum u
+        d
+    totalDegree(p,lv) ==
+        ground? p => 0
+        u := univariate(p, v:=(mainVariable(p)::VarSet))
+        d: NonNegativeInteger := 0
+        w: NonNegativeInteger := 0
+        if member?(v, lv) then w:=1
+        while u ^= 0 repeat
+          d := max(d, w*(degree u) + totalDegree(leadingCoefficient u,lv))
+          u := reductum u
+        d
+    if R has CommutativeRing then
+        resultant(p1,p2,mvar) ==
+          resultant(univariate(p1,mvar),univariate(p2,mvar))
+        discriminant(p,var) ==
+          discriminant(univariate(p,var))
+    if R has IntegralDomain then
+      allMonoms(l:List %):List(%) ==
+        removeDuplicates_! concat [primitiveMonomials p for p in l]
+      P2R(p:%, b:List E, n:NonNegativeInteger):Vector(R) ==
+        w := new(n, 0)$Vector(R)
+        for i in minIndex w .. maxIndex w for bj in b repeat
+          qsetelt_!(w, i, coefficient(p, bj))
+        w
+      eq2R(l:List %, b:List E):Matrix(R) ==
+        matrix [[coefficient(p, bj) for p in l] for bj in b]
+      reducedSystem(m:Matrix %):Matrix(R) ==
+        l := listOfLists m
+        b := removeDuplicates_!
+                           concat [allMonoms r for r in l]$List(List(%))
+        d := [degree bj for bj in b]
+        mm := eq2R(first l, d)
+        l := rest l
+        while not empty? l repeat
+          mm := vertConcat(mm, eq2R(first l, d))
+          l := rest l
+        mm
+      reducedSystem(m:Matrix %, v:Vector %):
+       Record(mat:Matrix R, vec:Vector R) ==
+        l := listOfLists m
+        r := entries v
+        b : List % := removeDuplicates_! concat(allMonoms r,
+                          concat [allMonoms s for s in l]$List(List(%)))
+        d := [degree bj for bj in b]
+        n := #d
+        mm := eq2R(first l, d)
+        w := P2R(first r, d, n)
+        l := rest l
+        r := rest r
+        while not empty? l repeat
+          mm := vertConcat(mm, eq2R(first l, d))
+          w := concat(w, P2R(first r, d, n))
+          l := rest l
+          r := rest r
+        [mm, w]
+    if R has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit then
+       -- we might be in trouble if its actually only
+       -- a univariate polynomial category - have to remember to
+       -- over-ride these in UnivariatePolynomialCategory
+       PFBR ==>PolynomialFactorizationByRecursion(R,E,VarSet,%)
+       gcdPolynomial(pp,qq) ==
+          gcdPolynomial(pp,qq)$GeneralPolynomialGcdPackage(E,VarSet,R,%)
+       solveLinearPolynomialEquation(lpp,pp) ==
+         solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion(lpp,pp)$PFBR
+       factorPolynomial(pp) ==
+         factorByRecursion(pp)$PFBR
+       factorSquareFreePolynomial(pp) ==
+         factorSquareFreeByRecursion(pp)$PFBR
+       factor p ==
+         v:Union(VarSet,"failed"):=mainVariable p
+         v case "failed" =>
+           ansR:=factor leadingCoefficient p
+           makeFR(unit(ansR)::%,
+                  [[w.flg,w.fctr::%,w.xpnt] for w in factorList ansR])
+         up:SparseUnivariatePolynomial %:=univariate(p,v)
+         ansSUP:=factorByRecursion(up)$PFBR
+         makeFR(multivariate(unit(ansSUP),v),
+                [[ww.flg,multivariate(ww.fctr,v),ww.xpnt]
+                 for ww in factorList ansSUP])
+       if R has CharacteristicNonZero then
+          mat: Matrix %
+          conditionP mat ==
+            ll:=listOfLists transpose mat  --hence each list corresponds to a
+                                           --column, i.e. to one variable
+            llR:List List R := [ empty() for z in first ll]
+            monslist:List List % := empty()
+            ch:=characteristic()$%
+            for l in ll repeat
+                mons:= "setUnion"/[primitiveMonomials u for u in l]
+                redmons:List % :=[]
+                for m in mons repeat
+                    vars:=variables m
+                    degs:=degree(m,vars)
+                    deg1:List NonNegativeInteger
+                    deg1:=[ ((nd:=d:Integer exquo ch:Integer)
+                               case "failed" => return "failed" ;
+                                nd::Integer::NonNegativeInteger)
+                           for d in degs ]
+                    redmons:=[monomial(1,vars,deg1),:redmons]
+                    llR:=[[ground coefficient(u,vars,degs),:v]_
+                            for u in l for v in llR]
+                monslist:=[redmons,:monslist]
+            ans:=conditionP transpose matrix llR
+            ans case "failed" => "failed"
+            i:NonNegativeInteger:=0
+            [ +/[m*(ans.(i:=i+1))::% for m in mons ]
+              for mons in monslist]
+    if R has CharacteristicNonZero then
+          charthRootlv:(%,List VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) ->_
+                                                      Union(%,"failed")
+          charthRoot p ==
+            vars:= variables p
+            empty? vars =>
+              ans := charthRoot ground p
+              ans case "failed" => "failed"
+              ans::R::%
+            ch:=characteristic()$%
+            charthRootlv(p,vars,ch)
+          charthRootlv(p,vars,ch) ==
+            empty? vars =>
+              ans := charthRoot ground p
+              ans case "failed" => "failed"
+              ans::R::%
+            v:=first vars
+            vars:=rest vars
+            d:=degree(p,v)
+            ans:% := 0
+            while (d>0) repeat
+               (dd:=(d::Integer exquo ch::Integer)) case "failed" =>
+                      return "failed"
+               cp:=coefficient(p,v,d)
+               p:=p-monomial(cp,v,d)
+               ansx:=charthRootlv(cp,vars,ch)
+               ansx case "failed" => return "failed"
+               d:=degree(p,v)
+               ans:=ans+monomial(ansx,v,dd::Integer::NonNegativeInteger)
+            ansx:=charthRootlv(p,vars,ch)
+            ansx case "failed" => return "failed"
+            return ans+ansx
+    monicDivide(p1,p2,mvar) ==
+       result:=monicDivide(univariate(p1,mvar),univariate(p2,mvar))
+       [multivariate(result.quotient,mvar),
+        multivariate(result.remainder,mvar)]
+    if R has GcdDomain then
+      if R has EuclideanDomain and R has CharacteristicZero then
+       squareFree p == squareFree(p)$MultivariateSquareFree(E,VarSet,R,%)
+      else
+        squareFree p == squareFree(p)$PolynomialSquareFree(VarSet,E,R,%)
+      squareFreePart p ==
+        unit(s := squareFree p) * */[f.factor for f in factors s]
+      content(p,v) == content univariate(p,v)
+      primitivePart p ==
+        zero? p => p
+        unitNormal((p exquo content p) ::%).canonical
+      primitivePart(p,v) ==
+        zero? p => p
+        unitNormal((p exquo content(p,v)) ::%).canonical
+    if R has OrderedSet then
+      p:% < q:% ==
+        (dp:= degree p) < (dq := degree q) => (leadingCoefficient q) > 0
+        dq < dp => (leadingCoefficient p) < 0
+        leadingCoefficient(p - q) < 0
+      if (R has PatternMatchable Integer) and
+         (VarSet has PatternMatchable Integer) then
+           patternMatch(p:%, pat:Pattern Integer,
+            l:PatternMatchResult(Integer, %)) ==
+              patternMatch(p, pat,
+                l)$PatternMatchPolynomialCategory(Integer,E,VarSet,R,%)
+      if (R has PatternMatchable Float) and
+         (VarSet has PatternMatchable Float) then
+           patternMatch(p:%, pat:Pattern Float,
+            l:PatternMatchResult(Float, %)) ==
+              patternMatch(p, pat,
+                l)$PatternMatchPolynomialCategory(Float,E,VarSet,R,%)
+    if (R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer) and
+       (VarSet has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer) then
+         convert(x:%):Pattern(Integer) ==
+           map(convert, convert,
+              x)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(E,VarSet,R,%,Pattern Integer)
+    if (R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float) and
+       (VarSet has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float) then
+         convert(x:%):Pattern(Float) ==
+           map(convert, convert,
+            x)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(E, VarSet, R, %, Pattern Float)
+    if (R has ConvertibleTo InputForm) and
+       (VarSet has ConvertibleTo InputForm) then
+         convert(p:%):InputForm ==
+           map(convert, convert,
+                    p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(E,VarSet,R,%,InputForm)
+ [color=lightblue,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=POLYCAT"];
+ [color=lightblue,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=POLYCAT"];
+  -> "PartialDifferentialRing(a:OrderedSet)"
+  -> "FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup)"
+  -> "Evalable(PolynomialCategory(...))"
+  -> "InnerEvalable(a:OrderedSet,b:Ring)"
+  -> "InnerEvalable(a:OrderedSet,b:PolynomialCategory(...))"
+  -> "RetractableTo(a:OrderedSet)"
+  -> "FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver(a:Ring)"
+  -> "OrderedSet()"
+  -> "GcdDomain()"
+  -> "PolynomialFactorizationExplicit()"
+  -> "ConvertibleTo(InputForm)"
+  -> "PatternMatchable(Pattern(Integer))"
+  -> "PatternMatchable(Pattern(Float))"
+  -> "CommutativeRing()"
+digraph pic {
+ fontsize=10;
+ bgcolor="#FFFF66";
+ node [shape=box, color=white, style=filled];
+ [color=lightblue,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=POLYCAT"];
+  -> "PDRING..."
+  -> "FAMR..."
+  -> "EVALAB..."
+  -> "IEVALAB..."
+  -> "RETRACT..."
+  -> "FLINEXP..."
+  -> "ORDSET..."
+  -> "GCDDOM..."
+  -> "PFECAT..."
+  -> "KONVERT..."
+  -> "PATMAB..."
+  -> "COMRING..."
+"PDRING..." [color=lightblue];
+"FAMR..." [color=lightblue];
+"EVALAB..." [color=lightblue];
+"IEVALAB..." [color=lightblue];
+"RETRACT..." [color=lightblue];
+"FLINEXP..." [color=lightblue];
+"ORDSET..." [color=lightblue];
+"GCDDOM..." [color=lightblue];
+"PFECAT..." [color=lightblue];
+"KONVERT..." [color=lightblue];
+"PATMAB..." [color=lightblue];
+"COMRING..." [color=lightblue];
 \chapter{Category Layer 17}
@@ -31124,6 +32106,1668 @@ Note that this code is not included in the generated 
catdef.spad file.
                1 6 0 0 18 1 0 16 0 17 1 0 8 0 10 1 0 8 0 11 1 0 0 0 19))))))
    (QUOTE |lookupComplete|))) 
+\section{POLYCAT.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf POLYCAT} depends on itself. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf POLYCAT}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile 
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf POLYCAT.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version. 
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(SETQ |PolynomialCategory;CAT| (QUOTE NIL)) 
+(SETQ |PolynomialCategory;AL| (QUOTE NIL)) 
+(DEFUN |PolynomialCategory| (&REST #0=#:G1430 &AUX #1=#:G1428)
+ (DSETQ #1# #0#)
+ (LET (#2=#:G1429)
+  (COND
+   ((SETQ #2# (|assoc| (|devaluateList| #1#) |PolynomialCategory;AL|))
+     (CDR #2#))
+   (T
+     (SETQ |PolynomialCategory;AL|
+      (|cons5|
+       (CONS (|devaluateList| #1#)
+        (SETQ #2# (APPLY (FUNCTION |PolynomialCategory;|) #1#)))
+       |PolynomialCategory;AL|))
+     #2#)))) 
+(DEFUN |PolynomialCategory;| (|t#1| |t#2| |t#3|)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1427)
+   (PROG1 
+    (LETT #0#
+     (|sublisV|
+      (PAIR (QUOTE (|t#1| |t#2| |t#3|)) (LIST (|devaluate| |t#1|) (|devaluate| 
|t#2|) (|devaluate| |t#3|)))
+      (COND
+       (|PolynomialCategory;CAT|)
+       ((QUOTE T)
+        (LETT |PolynomialCategory;CAT|
+         (|Join|
+          (|PartialDifferentialRing| (QUOTE |t#3|))
+          (|FiniteAbelianMonoidRing| (QUOTE |t#1|) (QUOTE |t#2|))
+          (|Evalable| (QUOTE $))
+          (|InnerEvalable| (QUOTE |t#3|) (QUOTE |t#1|))
+          (|InnerEvalable| (QUOTE |t#3|) (QUOTE $))
+          (|RetractableTo| (QUOTE |t#3|))
+          (|FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver| (QUOTE |t#1|))
+          (|mkCategory| (QUOTE |domain|)
+           (QUOTE
+            (((|degree| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) $ |t#3|)) T)
+             ((|degree| ((|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|)) $ (|List| |t#3|))) T)
+             ((|coefficient| ($ $ |t#3| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+             ((|coefficient| ($ $ (|List| |t#3|)
+               (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))) T)
+             ((|monomials| ((|List| $) $)) T)
+             ((|univariate| ((|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $) $ |t#3|)) T)
+             ((|univariate| ((|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|) $)) T)
+             ((|mainVariable| ((|Union| |t#3| "failed") $)) T)
+             ((|minimumDegree| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) $ |t#3|)) T)
+             ((|minimumDegree| ((|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|)) $
+               (|List| |t#3|))) T)
+             ((|monicDivide|
+               ((|Record| (|:| |quotient| $) (|:| |remainder| $)) $ $ |t#3|))
+               T)
+             ((|monomial| ($ $ |t#3| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+             ((|monomial| ($ $ (|List| |t#3|) (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|))))
+               T)
+             ((|multivariate| ($ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|) |t#3|))
+               T)
+             ((|multivariate| ($ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $) |t#3|)) T)
+             ((|isPlus| ((|Union| (|List| $) "failed") $)) T)
+             ((|isTimes| ((|Union| (|List| $) "failed") $)) T)
+             ((|isExpt|
+               ((|Union| 
+                (|Record| (|:| |var| |t#3|) 
+                          (|:| |exponent| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))
+                "failed") $))
+               T)
+             ((|totalDegree| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) $)) T)
+             ((|totalDegree| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) $ (|List| |t#3|))) T)
+             ((|variables| ((|List| |t#3|) $)) T)
+             ((|primitiveMonomials| ((|List| $) $)) T)
+             ((|resultant| ($ $ $ |t#3|)) (|has| |t#1| (|CommutativeRing|)))
+             ((|discriminant| ($ $ |t#3|)) (|has| |t#1| (|CommutativeRing|)))
+             ((|content| ($ $ |t#3|)) (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+             ((|primitivePart| ($ $)) (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+             ((|primitivePart| ($ $ |t#3|)) (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+             ((|squareFree| ((|Factored| $) $)) (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+             ((|squareFreePart| ($ $)) (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))))
+           (QUOTE
+            (((|OrderedSet|) (|has| |t#1| (|OrderedSet|)))
+             ((|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|))
+              (AND (|has| |t#3| (|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|)))
+                   (|has| |t#1| (|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|)))))
+             ((|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|)))
+              (AND (|has| |t#3| (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|))))
+                   (|has| |t#1| (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|))))))
+             ((|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|)))
+              (AND (|has| |t#3| (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|))))
+                   (|has| |t#1| (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|))))))
+             ((|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|))
+              (AND
+               (|has| |t#3| (|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|)))
+               (|has| |t#1| (|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|)))))
+             ((|PatternMatchable| (|Float|))
+              (AND
+               (|has| |t#3| (|PatternMatchable| (|Float|)))
+               (|has| |t#1| (|PatternMatchable| (|Float|)))))
+             ((|GcdDomain|) (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+             (|canonicalUnitNormal|
+               (|has| |t#1| (ATTRIBUTE |canonicalUnitNormal|)))
+             ((|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit|)
+               (|has| |t#1| (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit|)))))
+           (QUOTE
+            ((|Factored| $)
+             (|List| $)
+             (|List| |t#3|)
+             (|NonNegativeInteger|)
+             (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $)
+             (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|)
+             (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|))))
+            NIL))
+          . #1=(|PolynomialCategory|)))))
+      . #1#)
+    (SETELT #0# 0
+     (LIST (QUOTE |PolynomialCategory|)
+      (|devaluate| |t#1|) (|devaluate| |t#2|) (|devaluate| |t#3|))))))) 
+\section{POLYCAT-.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf POLYCAT-} depends on {\bf POLYCAT}. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf POLYCAT-}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile 
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf POLYCAT-.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version. 
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1| (|p| |l| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1444 #1=#:G1438 #2=#:G1445 #3=#:G1446 |lvar| #4=#:G1447 
+        |e| #5=#:G1448)
+   (SEQ
+    (COND
+     ((NULL |l|) |p|)
+     ((QUOTE T)
+      (SEQ
+       (SEQ
+        (EXIT
+         (SEQ
+          (LETT |e| NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+          (LETT #0# |l| |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+          G190
+          (COND
+           ((OR (ATOM #0#)
+                (PROGN (LETT |e| (CAR #0#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|) NIL))
+            (GO G191)))
+          (SEQ 
+           (EXIT
+            (COND
+             ((QEQCAR
+               (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |e| (QREFELT $ 11)) (QREFELT $ 13)) 1)
+              (PROGN
+               (LETT #1# 
+                (|error| "cannot find a variable to evaluate")
+                |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+               (GO #1#))))))
+          (LETT #0# (CDR #0#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+          (GO G190)
+          G191
+          (EXIT NIL)))
+        #1# (EXIT #1#))
+       (LETT |lvar|
+        (PROGN
+         (LETT #2# NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+         (SEQ
+          (LETT |e| NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+          (LETT #3# |l| |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+          G190
+          (COND
+           ((OR (ATOM #3#)
+                (PROGN (LETT |e| (CAR #3#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|) NIL))
+            (GO G191)))
+          (SEQ
+           (EXIT
+            (LETT #2#
+             (CONS (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |e| (QREFELT $ 11)) (QREFELT $ 14))
+                   #2#)
+             |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)))
+          (LETT #3# (CDR #3#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+          (GO G190)
+          G191
+          (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #2#))))
+         |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+       (EXIT
+        (SPADCALL |p| |lvar|
+         (PROGN
+          (LETT #4# NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+          (SEQ
+           (LETT |e| NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+           (LETT #5# |l| |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+           G190
+           (COND 
+            ((OR (ATOM #5#)
+                 (PROGN (LETT |e| (CAR #5#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|) NIL))
+              (GO G191)))
+           (SEQ 
+            (EXIT
+             (LETT #4# (CONS (SPADCALL |e| (QREFELT $ 15)) #4#)
+              |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)))
+           (LETT #5# (CDR #5#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+           (GO G190)
+           G191
+           (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #4#))))
+         (QREFELT $ 18)))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (|ml|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |ml| NIL |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2|)
+    (SEQ G190
+     (COND
+      ((NULL 
+        (COND
+         ((SPADCALL |p| (|spadConstant| $ 21) (QREFELT $ 24)) (QUOTE NIL))
+         ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T))))
+       (GO G191)))
+     (SEQ
+      (LETT |ml|
+       (CONS (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 25)) |ml|)
+       |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2|)
+      (EXIT
+       (LETT |p| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 26)) |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2|)))
+      NIL
+     (GO G190)
+     G191
+     (EXIT NIL))
+    (EXIT (REVERSE |ml|)))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;isPlus;SU;3| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (|l|)
+   (COND
+    ((NULL 
+       (CDR (LETT |l| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 28)) |POLYCAT-;isPlus;SU;3|)))
+      (CONS 1 "failed"))
+    ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 |l|)))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (|lv| #0=#:G1470 |v| #1=#:G1471 |l| |r|)
+   (SEQ
+    (COND
+     ((OR (NULL 
+           (LETT |lv| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 31)) |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|))
+          (NULL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 32))))
+       (CONS 1 "failed"))
+     ((QUOTE T)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |l|
+        (PROGN
+         (LETT #0# NIL |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+         (SEQ
+          (LETT |v| NIL |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+          (LETT #1# |lv| |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+          G190
+          (COND
+           ((OR (ATOM #1#) 
+                (PROGN (LETT |v| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|) NIL))
+            (GO G191)))
+          (SEQ 
+           (EXIT
+            (LETT #0#
+             (CONS
+              (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| $ 33) |v|
+               (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT $ 36)) (QREFELT $ 37))
+              #0#)
+              |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)))
+          (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+          (GO G190)
+          G191
+         (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #0#))))
+        |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+       (LETT |r| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 38)) |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+       (EXIT
+        (COND
+         ((SPADCALL |r| (|spadConstant| $ 34) (QREFELT $ 39))
+           (COND
+            ((NULL (CDR |lv|)) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+            ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 |l|))))
+         ((QUOTE T)
+           (CONS 0 (CONS (SPADCALL |r| (QREFELT $ 40)) |l|)))))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;isExpt;SU;5| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (|u| |d|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |u| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 42)) |POLYCAT-;isExpt;SU;5|)
+    (EXIT 
+     (COND
+      ((OR (QEQCAR |u| 1)
+           (NULL
+            (SPADCALL |p|
+             (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| $ 33)
+              (QCDR |u|)
+              (LETT |d| (SPADCALL |p| (QCDR |u|) (QREFELT $ 36))
+               |POLYCAT-;isExpt;SU;5|)
+              (QREFELT $ 37))
+             (QREFELT $ 24))))
+       (CONS 1 "failed"))
+      ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 (CONS (QCDR |u|) |d|))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;coefficient;SVarSetNniS;6| (|p| |v| |n| $)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT $ 47)) |n| (QREFELT $ 49))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;coefficient;SLLS;7| (|p| |lv| |ln| $)
+  ((NULL |lv|)
+   (COND
+    ((NULL |ln|) |p|)
+    ((QUOTE T) (|error| "mismatched lists in coefficient"))))
+  ((NULL |ln|) (|error| "mismatched lists in coefficient"))
+  ((QUOTE T)
+     (SPADCALL |p| (|SPADfirst| |lv|) (QREFELT $ 47))
+     (|SPADfirst| |ln|)
+     (QREFELT $ 49))
+    (CDR |lv|)
+    (CDR |ln|)
+    (QREFELT $ 52))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;monomial;SLLS;8| (|p| |lv| |ln| $)
+  ((NULL |lv|) 
+   (COND
+    ((NULL |ln|) |p|)
+    ((QUOTE T) (|error| "mismatched lists in monomial"))))
+  ((NULL |ln|) (|error| "mismatched lists in monomial"))
+  ((QUOTE T)
+    (SPADCALL |p| (|SPADfirst| |lv|) (|SPADfirst| |ln|) (QREFELT $ 37))
+    (CDR |lv|)
+    (CDR |ln|)
+    (QREFELT $ 54))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;retract;SVarSet;9| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1496 |q|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |q|
+     (PROG2
+      (LETT #0# (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 42)) |POLYCAT-;retract;SVarSet;9|)
+      (QCDR #0#)
+      (|check-union| (QEQCAR #0# 0) (QREFELT $ 9) #0#))
+     |POLYCAT-;retract;SVarSet;9|)
+    (EXIT
+     (COND
+      ((SPADCALL (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT $ 56)) |p| (QREFELT $ 24)) |q|)
+      ((QUOTE T) (|error| "Polynomial is not a single variable")))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;retractIfCan;SU;10| (|p| $) 
+ (PROG (|q| #0=#:G1504) 
+   (SEQ 
+    (EXIT
+     (SEQ
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |q| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 42)) |POLYCAT-;retractIfCan;SU;10|)
+       (EXIT
+        (COND
+         ((QEQCAR |q| 0)
+          (COND
+           ((SPADCALL (SPADCALL (QCDR |q|) (QREFELT $ 56)) |p| (QREFELT $ 24))
+             (PROGN
+              (LETT #0# |q| |POLYCAT-;retractIfCan;SU;10|)
+              (GO #0#))))))))
+      (EXIT (CONS 1 "failed"))))
+     #0#
+     (EXIT #0#))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;mkPrim| (|p| $)
+  (|spadConstant| $ 34)
+  (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 59))
+  (QREFELT $ 60))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1509 |q| #1=#:G1510)
+   (SEQ
+    (PROGN
+     (LETT #0# NIL |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+     (SEQ
+      (LETT |q| NIL |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+      (LETT #1# (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 28)) 
+      G190
+      (COND
+       ((OR (ATOM #1#)
+            (PROGN
+             (LETT |q| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+             NIL))
+        (GO G191)))
+      (SEQ 
+       (EXIT
+        (LETT #0# (CONS (|POLYCAT-;mkPrim| |q| $) #0#)
+         |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)))
+      (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+      (GO G190)
+      G191
+      (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #0#)))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1512 |d| |u|)
+   (SEQ
+    (COND
+     ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 62)) 0)
+     ((QUOTE T)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |u|
+        (SPADCALL |p|
+         (PROG2
+          (LETT #0#
+           (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 42))
+           |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)
+          (QCDR #0#)
+          (|check-union| (QEQCAR #0# 0) (QREFELT $ 9) #0#))
+         (QREFELT $ 47))
+        |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)
+       (LETT |d| 0 |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)
+       (SEQ G190 
+        (COND
+         ((NULL
+          (COND
+           ((SPADCALL |u| (|spadConstant| $ 63) (QREFELT $ 64)) (QUOTE NIL))
+           ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T)))) (GO G191)))
+        (SEQ
+         (LETT |d|
+          (MAX |d| 
+           (+
+            (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT $ 65))
+            (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT $ 66)) (QREFELT $ 67))))
+          |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)
+         (EXIT
+          (LETT |u|
+           (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT $ 68)) |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)))
+        NIL
+        (GO G190)
+        G191
+        (EXIT NIL))
+       (EXIT |d|)))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14| (|p| |lv| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1520 |v| |w| |d| |u|)
+   (SEQ
+    (COND
+     ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 62)) 0)
+     ((QUOTE T)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |u|
+        (SPADCALL |p|
+         (LETT |v|
+          (PROG2
+           (LETT #0# 
+            (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 42))
+            |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+           (QCDR #0#)
+           (|check-union| (QEQCAR #0# 0) (QREFELT $ 9) #0#))
+          |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+         (QREFELT $ 47))
+        |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+       (LETT |d| 0 |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+       (LETT |w| 0 |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+       (COND
+        ((SPADCALL |v| |lv| (QREFELT $ 70))
+          (LETT |w| 1 |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)))
+       (SEQ G190
+        (COND
+         ((NULL
+          (COND
+           ((SPADCALL |u| (|spadConstant| $ 63) (QREFELT $ 64)) (QUOTE NIL))
+           ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T)))) (GO G191)))
+        (SEQ
+         (LETT |d|
+          (MAX |d| 
+           (+ 
+            (* |w| (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT $ 65)))
+            (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT $ 66)) |lv| (QREFELT $ 71))))
+          |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+         (EXIT
+          (LETT |u|
+           (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT $ 68))
+           |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)))
+         NIL 
+         (GO G190) 
+         G191 
+         (EXIT NIL))
+       (EXIT |d|)))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;resultant;2SVarSetS;15| (|p1| |p2| |mvar| $)
+  (SPADCALL |p1| |mvar| (QREFELT $ 47))
+  (SPADCALL |p2| |mvar| (QREFELT $ 47))
+  (QREFELT $ 73))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;discriminant;SVarSetS;16| (|p| |var| $)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| |var| (QREFELT $ 47)) (QREFELT $ 75))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;allMonoms| (|l| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1532 |p| #1=#:G1533)
+   (SEQ
+      (PROGN
+       (LETT #0# NIL |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |p| NIL |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)
+        (LETT #1# |l| |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)
+        G190
+        (COND
+         ((OR (ATOM #1#) (PROGN (LETT |p| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|) NIL))
+          (GO G191)))
+        (SEQ 
+         (EXIT 
+          (LETT #0#
+           (CONS (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 77)) #0#)
+           |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)))
+        (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)
+        (GO G190)
+        G191
+        (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #0#))))
+      (QREFELT $ 79))
+     (QREFELT $ 80)))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;P2R| (|p| |b| |n| $)
+ (PROG (|w| |bj| #0=#:G1538 |i| #1=#:G1537)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |w|
+     (SPADCALL |n| (|spadConstant| $ 22) (QREFELT $ 82))
+     |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+    (SEQ
+     (LETT |bj| NIL |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+     (LETT #0# |b| |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+     (LETT |i| (SPADCALL |w| (QREFELT $ 84)) |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+     (LETT #1# (QVSIZE |w|) |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+     G190
+     (COND
+      ((OR (> |i| #1#)
+           (ATOM #0#)
+           (PROGN (LETT |bj| (CAR #0#) |POLYCAT-;P2R|) NIL))
+       (GO G191)))
+     (SEQ
+      (EXIT
+       (SPADCALL |w| |i| (SPADCALL |p| |bj| (QREFELT $ 85)) (QREFELT $ 86))))
+     (LETT |i|
+      (PROG1 (+ |i| 1) (LETT #0# (CDR #0#) |POLYCAT-;P2R|)) |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+     (GO G190)
+     G191
+     (EXIT NIL))
+    (EXIT |w|))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|l| |b| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1542 |bj| #1=#:G1543 #2=#:G1544 |p| #3=#:G1545)
+   (SEQ
+     (PROGN
+      (LETT #0# NIL |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |bj| NIL |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+       (LETT #1# |b| |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+       G190
+       (COND
+        ((OR (ATOM #1#) 
+             (PROGN (LETT |bj| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;eq2R|) NIL)) (GO G191)))
+       (SEQ 
+        (EXIT
+         (LETT #0#
+          (CONS
+           (PROGN
+            (LETT #2# NIL |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+            (SEQ
+             (LETT |p| NIL |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+             (LETT #3# |l| |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+             G190
+             (COND
+              ((OR (ATOM #3#) (PROGN (LETT |p| (CAR #3#) |POLYCAT-;eq2R|) NIL))
+               (GO G191)))
+             (SEQ 
+              (EXIT
+               (LETT #2# 
+                (CONS (SPADCALL |p| |bj| (QREFELT $ 85)) #2#)
+                |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)))
+             (LETT #3# (CDR #3#) |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+             (GO G190)
+             G191
+             (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #2#))))
+           #0#)
+          |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)))
+       (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+       (GO G190)
+       G191
+       (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #0#))))
+     (QREFELT $ 89)))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20| (|m| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1555 |r| #1=#:G1556 |b| #2=#:G1557 |bj| #3=#:G1558 |d| |mm| |l|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |l| (SPADCALL |m| (QREFELT $ 92)) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+    (LETT |b|
+      (SPADCALL
+       (PROGN
+        (LETT #0# NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+        (SEQ
+         (LETT |r| NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+         (LETT #1# |l| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+         G190
+        (COND
+         ((OR (ATOM #1#) 
+              (PROGN (LETT |r| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|) NIL))
+          (GO G191)))
+        (SEQ 
+         (EXIT 
+          (LETT #0# 
+           (CONS (|POLYCAT-;allMonoms| |r| $) #0#)
+           |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)))
+        (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+        (GO G190)
+        G191
+        (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #0#))))
+       (QREFELT $ 79))
+      (QREFELT $ 80))
+     |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+    (LETT |d|
+     (PROGN
+      (LETT #2# NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |bj| NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+       (LETT #3# |b| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+       G190
+       (COND
+        ((OR (ATOM #3#) 
+             (PROGN (LETT |bj| (CAR #3#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|) NIL))
+         (GO G191)))
+       (SEQ 
+        (EXIT 
+         (LETT #2# 
+          (CONS (SPADCALL |bj| (QREFELT $ 59)) #2#)
+          |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)))
+       (LETT #3# (CDR #3#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+       (GO G190)
+       G191
+       (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #2#))))
+      |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+    (LETT |mm|
+     (|POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|SPADfirst| |l|) |d| $) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+    (LETT |l| (CDR |l|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+    (SEQ G190
+     (COND
+      ((NULL (COND ((NULL |l|) (QUOTE NIL)) ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T)))) (GO G191)))
+     (SEQ
+      (LETT |mm| 
+       (SPADCALL |mm| (|POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|SPADfirst| |l|) |d| $) (QREFELT $ 93))
+       |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+      (EXIT (LETT |l| (CDR |l|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)))
+     NIL
+     (GO G190)
+     G191
+     (EXIT NIL))
+    (EXIT |mm|))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21| (|m| |v| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1570 |s| #1=#:G1571 |b| #2=#:G1572 |bj| #3=#:G1573 |d| |n| 
+        |mm| |w| |l| |r|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |l| (SPADCALL |m| (QREFELT $ 92)) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (LETT |r| (SPADCALL |v| (QREFELT $ 97)) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (LETT |b| 
+     (SPADCALL 
+      (SPADCALL 
+       (|POLYCAT-;allMonoms| |r| $)
+       (SPADCALL 
+        (PROGN 
+         (LETT #0# NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+         (SEQ
+          (LETT |s| NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+          (LETT #1# |l| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+          G190
+          (COND
+           ((OR (ATOM #1#) 
+                (PROGN 
+                 (LETT |s| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+                  NIL))
+            (GO G191)))
+          (SEQ 
+           (EXIT 
+            (LETT #0# 
+             (CONS (|POLYCAT-;allMonoms| |s| $) #0#) 
+             |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)))
+          (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+          (GO G190)
+          G191
+          (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #0#))))
+        (QREFELT $ 79))
+       (QREFELT $ 98))
+      (QREFELT $ 80))
+     |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (LETT |d|
+     (PROGN
+      (LETT #2# NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |bj| NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+       (LETT #3# |b| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+       G190
+       (COND
+        ((OR (ATOM #3#) 
+             (PROGN (LETT |bj| (CAR #3#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|) NIL))
+         (GO G191)))
+       (SEQ 
+        (EXIT 
+         (LETT #2# 
+          (CONS (SPADCALL |bj| (QREFELT $ 59)) #2#)
+          |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)))
+       (LETT #3# (CDR #3#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+       (GO G190)
+       G191
+       (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #2#))))
+      |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (LETT |n| (LENGTH |d|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (LETT |mm| 
+     (|POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|SPADfirst| |l|) |d| $)
+     |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (LETT |w| 
+     (|POLYCAT-;P2R| (|SPADfirst| |r|) |d| |n| $)
+     |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (LETT |l| (CDR |l|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (LETT |r| (CDR |r|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+    (SEQ G190
+     (COND
+      ((NULL (COND ((NULL |l|) (QUOTE NIL)) ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T))))
+       (GO G191)))
+     (SEQ
+      (LETT |mm| 
+       (SPADCALL |mm| (|POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|SPADfirst| |l|) |d| $) (QREFELT $ 93))
+       |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+      (LETT |w| 
+       (SPADCALL |w| 
+        (|POLYCAT-;P2R| (|SPADfirst| |r|) |d| |n| $)
+        (QREFELT $ 99))
+       |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+      (LETT |l| (CDR |l|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+      (EXIT (LETT |r| (CDR |r|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)))
+      NIL
+      (GO G190)
+      G191
+      (EXIT NIL))
+    (EXIT (CONS |mm| |w|)))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;gcdPolynomial;3Sup;22| (|pp| |qq| $)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| |qq| (QREFELT $ 104))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;solveLinearPolynomialEquation;LSupU;23| (|lpp| |pp| $)
+ (SPADCALL |lpp| |pp| (QREFELT $ 109))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;factorPolynomial;SupF;24| (|pp| $)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT $ 114))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;factorSquareFreePolynomial;SupF;25| (|pp| $)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT $ 117))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26| (|p| $) 
+ (PROG (|v| |ansR| #0=#:G1615 |w| #1=#:G1616 |up| |ansSUP| #2=#:G1617 
+        |ww| #3=#:G1618) 
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |v| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 42)) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+    (EXIT
+     (COND
+      ((QEQCAR |v| 1)
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |ansR| 
+         (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 38)) (QREFELT $ 120))
+         |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+        (EXIT 
+         (SPADCALL 
+          (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |ansR| (QREFELT $ 122)) (QREFELT $ 40))
+          (PROGN 
+           (LETT #0# NIL |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+           (SEQ 
+            (LETT |w| NIL |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+            (LETT #1#
+             (SPADCALL |ansR| (QREFELT $ 126))
+             |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+            G190 
+            (COND
+             ((OR (ATOM #1#) 
+                  (PROGN (LETT |w| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|) NIL))
+              (GO G191)))
+            (SEQ 
+             (EXIT 
+              (LETT #0# 
+               (CONS 
+                (VECTOR (QVELT |w| 0) 
+                  (SPADCALL (QVELT |w| 1) (QREFELT $ 40)) (QVELT |w| 2))
+                #0#)
+               |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)))
+            (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+            (GO G190)
+            G191
+            (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #0#))))
+          (QREFELT $ 130)))))
+      ((QUOTE T)
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |up|
+         (SPADCALL |p| (QCDR |v|) (QREFELT $ 47)) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+        (LETT |ansSUP| (SPADCALL |up| (QREFELT $ 114)) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+        (EXIT
+         (SPADCALL
+          (SPADCALL 
+           (SPADCALL |ansSUP| (QREFELT $ 131)) (QCDR |v|) (QREFELT $ 132))
+          (PROGN 
+           (LETT #2# NIL |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+           (SEQ 
+            (LETT |ww| NIL |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+            (LETT #3# 
+             (SPADCALL |ansSUP| (QREFELT $ 135))
+             |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+            G190
+            (COND
+             ((OR (ATOM #3#)
+                  (PROGN (LETT |ww| (CAR #3#) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|) NIL))
+              (GO G191)))
+            (SEQ 
+             (EXIT 
+              (LETT #2# 
+               (CONS 
+                (VECTOR (QVELT |ww| 0) (SPADCALL (QVELT |ww| 1) (QCDR |v|) 
+                        (QREFELT $ 132)) (QVELT |ww| 2))
+                #2#) 
+               |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)))
+            (LETT #3# (CDR #3#) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+            (GO G190)
+            G191
+            (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #2#))))
+          (QREFELT $ 130))))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27| (|mat| $)
+ (PROG (|ll| #0=#:G1653 |z| #1=#:G1654 |ch| |l| #2=#:G1655 #3=#:G1656 
+        #4=#:G1625 #5=#:G1623 #6=#:G1624 #7=#:G1657 |vars| |degs| 
+        #8=#:G1658 |d| #9=#:G1659 |nd| #10=#:G1652 #11=#:G1632 |deg1| 
+        |redmons| #12=#:G1660 |v| #13=#:G1662 |u| #14=#:G1661 |llR| 
+        |monslist| |ans| #15=#:G1663 #16=#:G1664 |mons| #17=#:G1665 |m| 
+        #18=#:G1666 |i| #19=#:G1648 #20=#:G1646 #21=#:G1647)
+   (SEQ
+    (EXIT
+     (SEQ
+      (LETT |ll|
+       (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |mat| (QREFELT $ 137)) (QREFELT $ 92))
+       |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+      (LETT |llR|
+       (PROGN
+        (LETT #0# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+        (SEQ
+         (LETT |z| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+         (LETT #1# (|SPADfirst| |ll|) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+         G190
+         (COND
+          ((OR (ATOM #1#) 
+               (PROGN (LETT |z| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|) NIL))
+           (GO G191)))
+         (SEQ (EXIT (LETT #0# (CONS NIL #0#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+         (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+         (GO G190)
+         G191
+         (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #0#))))
+       |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+      (LETT |monslist| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+      (LETT |ch| (SPADCALL (QREFELT $ 138)) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |l| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+       (LETT #2# |ll| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+       G190
+       (COND
+        ((OR (ATOM #2#) 
+             (PROGN (LETT |l| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|) NIL))
+         (GO G191)))
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |mons|
+         (PROGN
+          (LETT #6# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+          (SEQ
+           (LETT |u| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+           (LETT #3# |l| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+           G190
+           (COND
+            ((OR (ATOM #3#) 
+                 (PROGN (LETT |u| (CAR #3#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|) NIL))
+             (GO G191)))
+           (SEQ
+            (EXIT
+             (PROGN
+              (LETT #4# 
+               (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT $ 77))
+               |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+              (COND
+               (#6# 
+                (LETT #5# 
+                 (SPADCALL #5# #4# (QREFELT $ 139))
+                 |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|))
+               ((QUOTE T)
+                (PROGN 
+                 (LETT #5# #4# |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                 (LETT #6# (QUOTE T) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))))))
+           (LETT #3# (CDR #3#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+           (GO G190)
+           G191
+           (EXIT NIL))
+          (COND (#6# #5#) ((QUOTE T) (|IdentityError| (QUOTE |setUnion|)))))
+         |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+        (LETT |redmons| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+        (SEQ
+         (LETT |m| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+         (LETT #7# |mons| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+         G190
+         (COND
+          ((OR (ATOM #7#) 
+               (PROGN (LETT |m| (CAR #7#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|) NIL)) 
+            (GO G191)))
+         (SEQ 
+          (LETT |vars|
+           (SPADCALL |m| (QREFELT $ 31))
+           |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+          (LETT |degs|
+           (SPADCALL |m| |vars| (QREFELT $ 140))
+           |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+          (LETT |deg1|
+           (PROGN
+            (LETT #8# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+            (SEQ
+             (LETT |d| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+             (LETT #9# |degs| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+             G190
+             (COND
+              ((OR (ATOM #9#) 
+                   (PROGN
+                    (LETT |d| (CAR #9#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                    NIL))
+               (GO G191)))
+             (SEQ 
+              (EXIT
+               (LETT #8# 
+                (CONS 
+                 (SEQ
+                  (LETT |nd|
+                   (SPADCALL |d| |ch| (QREFELT $ 142))
+                   |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                  (EXIT
+                   (COND
+                    ((QEQCAR |nd| 1)
+                      (PROGN
+                        (LETT #10# 
+                         (CONS 1 "failed") |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                        (GO #10#)))
+                    ((QUOTE T) 
+                      (PROG1 
+                       (LETT #11# (QCDR |nd|) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                       (|check-subtype| 
+                        (>= #11# 0) (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|)) #11#))))))
+                 #8#)
+                |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+            (LETT #9# (CDR #9#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+            (GO G190)
+            G191
+            (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #8#))))
+           |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+          (LETT |redmons| 
+           (CONS 
+            (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| $ 33) |vars| |deg1| (QREFELT $ 54))
+            |redmons|)
+           |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+          (EXIT
+           (LETT |llR|
+            (PROGN
+             (LETT #12# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+             (SEQ
+              (LETT |v| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+              (LETT #13# |llR| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+              (LETT |u| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+              (LETT #14# |l| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+              G190
+              (COND
+               ((OR (ATOM #14#)
+                 (PROGN
+                  (LETT |u| (CAR #14#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                   NIL) 
+                 (ATOM #13#)
+                 (PROGN (LETT |v| (CAR #13#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|) NIL))
+                (GO G191)))
+              (SEQ 
+               (EXIT 
+                (LETT #12#
+                 (CONS
+                  (CONS
+                   (SPADCALL
+                    (SPADCALL |u| |vars| |degs| (QREFELT $ 52))
+                    (QREFELT $ 143))
+                   |v|)
+                  #12#)
+                 |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+              (LETT #14#
+               (PROG1
+                (CDR #14#)
+                (LETT #13# (CDR #13#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|))
+               |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+              (GO G190)
+              G191
+              (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #12#))))
+            |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+         (LETT #7# (CDR #7#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+         (GO G190)
+         G191
+         (EXIT NIL))
+        (EXIT
+         (LETT |monslist| 
+          (CONS |redmons| |monslist|)
+          |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+       (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+       (GO G190)
+       G191
+       (EXIT NIL))
+      (LETT |ans|
+                 (QREFELT $ 146))
+       |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+      (EXIT
+       (COND 
+        ((QEQCAR |ans| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+        ((QUOTE T)
+         (SEQ
+          (LETT |i| 0 |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+          (EXIT
+           (CONS 0
+            (PRIMVEC2ARR
+             (PROGN
+              (LETT #15# (GETREFV (SIZE |monslist|)) 
+               |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+              (SEQ
+               (LETT #16# 0 |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+               (LETT |mons| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+               (LETT #17# |monslist| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+               G190
+               (COND 
+                ((OR (ATOM #17#) 
+                     (PROGN 
+                      (LETT |mons| (CAR #17#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                      NIL))
+                 (GO G191)))
+               (SEQ 
+                (EXIT
+                 (SETELT #15# #16# 
+                  (PROGN
+                   (LETT #21# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                   (SEQ
+                    (LETT |m| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                    (LETT #18# |mons| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                    G190
+                    (COND
+                     ((OR (ATOM #18#)
+                       (PROGN 
+                        (LETT |m| (CAR #18#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                         NIL))
+                      (GO G191)))
+                    (SEQ
+                     (EXIT
+                      (PROGN
+                       (LETT #19#
+                        (SPADCALL |m| 
+                         (SPADCALL 
+                          (SPADCALL 
+                           (QCDR |ans|)
+                           (LETT |i| (+ |i| 1) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                           (QREFELT $ 147))
+                          (QREFELT $ 40))
+                         (QREFELT $ 148))
+                        |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                       (COND
+                        (#21#
+                         (LETT #20# 
+                          (SPADCALL #20# #19# (QREFELT $ 149))
+                          |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|))
+                        ((QUOTE T)
+                          (PROGN
+                           (LETT #20# #19# |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                           (LETT #21# 
+                            (QUOTE T)
+                            |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))))))
+                    (LETT #18# (CDR #18#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+                    (GO G190)
+                    G191
+                    (EXIT NIL))
+                   (COND (#21# #20#) ((QUOTE T) (|spadConstant| $ 21)))))))
+               (LETT #17# 
+                (PROG1 
+                 (CDR #17#)
+                 (LETT #16# (QSADD1 #16#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|))
+                |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+               (GO G190)
+               G191
+               (EXIT NIL))
+              #15#))))))))))
+   #10#
+   (EXIT #10#))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (|vars| |ans| |ch|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |vars| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 31)) |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28|)
+    (EXIT
+     (COND
+      ((NULL |vars|)
+        (SEQ
+         (LETT |ans|
+          (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 143)) (QREFELT $ 151))
+          |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28|)
+         (EXIT
+          (COND
+           ((QEQCAR |ans| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+           ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 (SPADCALL (QCDR |ans|) (QREFELT $ 40))))))))
+      ((QUOTE T)
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |ch| (SPADCALL (QREFELT $ 138)) |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28|)
+        (EXIT (|POLYCAT-;charthRootlv| |p| |vars| |ch| $)))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv| (|p| |vars| |ch| $)
+ (PROG (|v| |dd| |cp| |d| #0=#:G1687 |ans| |ansx| #1=#:G1694)
+   (SEQ
+    (EXIT 
+     (COND
+      ((NULL |vars|)
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |ans| 
+         (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 143)) (QREFELT $ 151))
+         |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+        (EXIT
+         (COND
+          ((QEQCAR |ans| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+          ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 (SPADCALL (QCDR |ans|) (QREFELT $ 40))))))))
+      ((QUOTE T)
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |v| (|SPADfirst| |vars|) |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+        (LETT |vars| (CDR |vars|) |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+        (LETT |d| (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT $ 36)) |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+        (LETT |ans| (|spadConstant| $ 21) |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+        (SEQ G190
+         (COND ((NULL (< 0 |d|)) (GO G191)))
+         (SEQ
+          (LETT |dd|
+           (SPADCALL |d| |ch| (QREFELT $ 142))
+           |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+          (EXIT
+           (COND
+            ((QEQCAR |dd| 1)
+              (PROGN
+               (LETT #1# (CONS 1 "failed") |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+               (GO #1#)))
+            ((QUOTE T)
+             (SEQ
+              (LETT |cp|
+               (SPADCALL |p| |v| |d| (QREFELT $ 154))
+               |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+              (LETT |p|
+               (SPADCALL |p|
+                (SPADCALL |cp| |v| |d| (QREFELT $ 37))
+                (QREFELT $ 155))
+               |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+              (LETT |ansx|
+               (|POLYCAT-;charthRootlv| |cp| |vars| |ch| $)
+               |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+              (EXIT
+               (COND
+                ((QEQCAR |ansx| 1)
+                  (PROGN 
+                   (LETT #1# (CONS 1 "failed") |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+                   (GO #1#)))
+                ((QUOTE T) 
+                 (SEQ
+                  (LETT |d|
+                   (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT $ 36))
+                   |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+                  (EXIT
+                   (LETT |ans|
+                    (SPADCALL |ans|
+                     (SPADCALL (QCDR |ansx|) |v| 
+                      (PROG1 
+                       (LETT #0# (QCDR |dd|) |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+                       (|check-subtype| (>= #0# 0) 
+                        (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|)) #0#))
+                      (QREFELT $ 37))
+                     (QREFELT $ 149))
+                    |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)))))))))))
+         NIL 
+         (GO G190) 
+         G191 
+         (EXIT NIL))
+        (LETT |ansx|
+         (|POLYCAT-;charthRootlv| |p| |vars| |ch| $)
+         |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+        (EXIT
+         (COND
+          ((QEQCAR |ansx| 1)
+           (PROGN
+            (LETT #1# (CONS 1 "failed") |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+            (GO #1#)))
+          ((QUOTE T)
+           (PROGN
+            (LETT #1#
+             (CONS 0 (SPADCALL |ans| (QCDR |ansx|) (QREFELT $ 149)))
+             |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+            (GO #1#)))))))))
+    #1# 
+    (EXIT #1#))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;monicDivide;2SVarSetR;30| (|p1| |p2| |mvar| $) 
+ (PROG (|result|) 
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |result|
+      (SPADCALL |p1| |mvar| (QREFELT $ 47))
+      (SPADCALL |p2| |mvar| (QREFELT $ 47))
+      (QREFELT $ 157))
+     |POLYCAT-;monicDivide;2SVarSetR;30|)
+    (EXIT
+     (CONS
+      (SPADCALL (QCAR |result|) |mvar| (QREFELT $ 132))
+      (SPADCALL (QCDR |result|) |mvar| (QREFELT $ 132)))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;31| (|p| $)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 160))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;32| (|p| $)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 163))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;33| (|p| $)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 163))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (|s| |f| #0=#:G1710 #1=#:G1708 #2=#:G1706 #3=#:G1707)
+   (SEQ
+     (SPADCALL 
+      (LETT |s| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 164)) |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+      (QREFELT $ 165))
+     (PROGN
+      (LETT #3# NIL |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |f| NIL |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+       (LETT #0# (SPADCALL |s| (QREFELT $ 168)) 
+       G190
+       (COND
+        ((OR (ATOM #0#) 
+             (PROGN (LETT |f| (CAR #0#) |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|) NIL))
+         (GO G191)))
+       (SEQ 
+        (EXIT
+         (PROGN
+          (LETT #1# (QCAR |f|) |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+          (COND
+           (#3#
+            (LETT #2#
+             (SPADCALL #2# #1# (QREFELT $ 148))
+             |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|))
+           ((QUOTE T)
+            (PROGN
+             (LETT #2# #1# |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+             (LETT #3# (QUOTE T) |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)))))))
+       (LETT #0# (CDR #0#) |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+       (GO G190)
+       G191
+       (EXIT NIL))
+      (COND (#3# #2#) ((QUOTE T) (|spadConstant| $ 33))))
+     (QREFELT $ 148)))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;content;SVarSetS;35| (|p| |v| $)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT $ 47)) (QREFELT $ 170))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;2S;36| (|p| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1713)
+   (COND
+    ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 172)) |p|)
+    ((QUOTE T)
+     (QVELT
+      (SPADCALL
+       (PROG2
+        (LETT #0# 
+         (SPADCALL |p| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 173)) (QREFELT $ 174))
+         |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;2S;36|)
+        (QCDR #0#)
+        (|check-union| (QEQCAR #0# 0) (QREFELT $ 6) #0#))
+       (QREFELT $ 176))
+      1)))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;SVarSetS;37| (|p| |v| $)
+ (PROG (#0=#:G1720)
+   (COND 
+    ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 172)) |p|)
+    ((QUOTE T) 
+     (QVELT 
+      (SPADCALL
+       (PROG2
+        (LETT #0#
+         (SPADCALL |p| (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT $ 178)) (QREFELT $ 179))
+         |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;SVarSetS;37|)
+        (QCDR #0#)
+        (|check-union| (QEQCAR #0# 0) (QREFELT $ 6) #0#))
+       (QREFELT $ 176))
+      1)))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;<;2SB;38| (|p| |q| $)
+ (PROG (|dp| |dq|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |dp| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 59)) |POLYCAT-;<;2SB;38|)
+    (LETT |dq| (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT $ 59)) |POLYCAT-;<;2SB;38|)
+    (EXIT
+     (COND
+      ((SPADCALL |dp| |dq| (QREFELT $ 181))
+        (SPADCALL
+         (|spadConstant| $ 22)
+         (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT $ 38))
+         (QREFELT $ 182)))
+      ((SPADCALL |dq| |dp| (QREFELT $ 181))
+        (SPADCALL
+         (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT $ 38))
+         (|spadConstant| $ 22)
+         (QREFELT $ 182)))
+      ((QUOTE T)
+       (SPADCALL
+        (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| |q| (QREFELT $ 155)) (QREFELT $ 38))
+        (|spadConstant| $ 22)
+        (QREFELT $ 182))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;patternMatch;SP2Pmr;39| (|p| |pat| |l| $)
+ (SPADCALL |p| |pat| |l| (QREFELT $ 187))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;patternMatch;SP2Pmr;40| (|p| |pat| |l| $)
+ (SPADCALL |p| |pat| |l| (QREFELT $ 193))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;convert;SP;41| (|x| $)
+ (SPADCALL (ELT $ 196) (ELT $ 197) |x| (QREFELT $ 201))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;convert;SP;42| (|x| $) 
+ (SPADCALL (ELT $ 203) (ELT $ 204) |x| (QREFELT $ 208))) 
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;convert;SIf;43| (|p| $)
+ (SPADCALL (ELT $ 211) (ELT $ 212) |p| (QREFELT $ 216))) 
+(DEFUN |PolynomialCategory&| (|#1| |#2| |#3| |#4|)
+ (PROG (DV$1 DV$2 DV$3 DV$4 |dv$| $ |pv$|)
+   (PROGN
+    (LETT DV$1 (|devaluate| |#1|) . #0=(|PolynomialCategory&|))
+    (LETT DV$2 (|devaluate| |#2|) . #0#)
+    (LETT DV$3 (|devaluate| |#3|) . #0#)
+    (LETT DV$4 (|devaluate| |#4|) . #0#)
+    (LETT |dv$| (LIST (QUOTE |PolynomialCategory&|) DV$1 DV$2 DV$3 DV$4) . #0#)
+    (LETT $ (GETREFV 226) . #0#)
+    (QSETREFV $ 0 |dv$|)
+    (QSETREFV $ 3
+     (LETT |pv$| 
+      (|buildPredVector| 0 0 
+       (LIST 
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit|)))
+        (|HasAttribute| |#2| (QUOTE |canonicalUnitNormal|))
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|GcdDomain|)))
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CommutativeRing|)))
+        (|HasCategory| |#4| (QUOTE (|PatternMatchable| (|Float|))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|PatternMatchable| (|Float|))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#4| (QUOTE (|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#4| (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|)))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|)))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#4| (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|)))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|)))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#4| (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|))))
+        (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|OrderedSet|)))))
+     . #0#))
+    (|stuffDomainSlots| $)
+    (QSETREFV $ 6 |#1|)
+    (QSETREFV $ 7 |#2|)
+    (QSETREFV $ 8 |#3|)
+    (QSETREFV $ 9 |#4|)
+    (COND 
+     ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 4)
+      (PROGN 
+       (QSETREFV $ 74 
+        (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;resultant;2SVarSetS;15|) $))
+       (QSETREFV $ 76 
+        (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;discriminant;SVarSetS;16|) $)))))
+    (COND 
+     ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|IntegralDomain|)))
+      (PROGN
+       (QSETREFV $ 95 
+        (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|) $))
+       (QSETREFV $ 102 
+        (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|) $)))))
+    (COND 
+     ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 1)
+      (PROGN 
+       (QSETREFV $ 105
+        (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;gcdPolynomial;3Sup;22|) $))
+       (QSETREFV $ 112
+        (CONS 
+         (|dispatchFunction| 
+           |POLYCAT-;solveLinearPolynomialEquation;LSupU;23|) 
+         $))
+       (QSETREFV $ 116 
+        (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;factorPolynomial;SupF;24|) $))
+       (QSETREFV $ 118 
+        (CONS 
+         (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;factorSquareFreePolynomial;SupF;25|)
+         $))
+       (QSETREFV $ 136 (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|) $))
+       (COND
+        ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CharacteristicNonZero|)))
+         (PROGN 
+          (QSETREFV $ 150 
+           (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|) $))))))))
+    (COND 
+     ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CharacteristicNonZero|)))
+      (PROGN 
+       (QSETREFV $ 152 
+        (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28|) $)))))
+    (COND 
+     ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 3)
+      (PROGN 
+       (COND 
+        ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|EuclideanDomain|)))
+         (COND 
+          ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CharacteristicZero|)))
+           (QSETREFV $ 161 
+            (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;31|) $)))
+          ((QUOTE T) 
+           (QSETREFV $ 161 
+            (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;32|) $)))))
+        ((QUOTE T) 
+         (QSETREFV $ 161 
+          (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;33|) $))))
+      (QSETREFV $ 169  
+       (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|) $))
+      (QSETREFV $ 171 
+       (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;content;SVarSetS;35|) $))
+      (QSETREFV $ 177 
+       (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;2S;36|) $))
+      (QSETREFV $ 180 
+       (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;SVarSetS;37|) $)))))
+    (COND 
+     ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 15)
+      (PROGN 
+       (QSETREFV $ 183 (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;<;2SB;38|) $))
+       (COND 
+        ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 8)
+         (COND 
+          ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 7)
+           (QSETREFV $ 189 
+            (CONS 
+             (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;patternMatch;SP2Pmr;39|)
+             $))))))
+       (COND
+        ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 6)
+         (COND 
+         ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 5)
+          (QSETREFV $ 195 
+           (CONS 
+            (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;patternMatch;SP2Pmr;40|)
+            $)))))))))
+    (COND 
+     ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 12)
+      (COND 
+       ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 11)
+        (QSETREFV $ 202 
+         (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;convert;SP;41|) $))))))
+    (COND 
+     ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 10)
+      (COND 
+       ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 9)
+        (QSETREFV $ 209 
+         (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;convert;SP;42|) $))))))
+    (COND
+     ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 14)
+      (COND 
+       ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 13)
+         (QSETREFV $ 217
+          (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;convert;SIf;43|) $))))))
+    $)))) 
+ (QUOTE |PolynomialCategory&|)
+ (QUOTE |infovec|)
+  #(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (|local| |#1|) (|local| |#2|) (|local| |#3|)
+    (|local| |#4|) (|Equation| 6) (0 . |lhs|) (|Union| 9 (QUOTE "failed"))
+    (5 . |retractIfCan|) (10 . |retract|) (15 . |rhs|) (|List| 9) (|List| $)
+    (20 . |eval|) (|List| 221) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1| (27 . |Zero|)
+    (31 . |Zero|) (|Boolean|) (35 . =) (41 . |leadingMonomial|)
+    (46 . |reductum|) |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2| (51 . |monomials|)
+    (|Union| 17 (QUOTE "failed")) |POLYCAT-;isPlus;SU;3| (56 . |variables|)
+    (61 . |monomial?|) (66 . |One|) (70 . |One|) (|NonNegativeInteger|)
+    (74 . |degree|) (80 . |monomial|) (87 . |leadingCoefficient|) (92 . =)
+    (98 . |coerce|) |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4| (103 . |mainVariable|)
+    (|Record| (|:| |var| 9) (|:| |exponent| 35))
+    (|Union| 43 (QUOTE "failed")) |POLYCAT-;isExpt;SU;5|
+    (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $) (108 . |univariate|)
+    (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| 6) (114 . |coefficient|)
+    |POLYCAT-;coefficient;SVarSetNniS;6| (|List| 35) (120 . |coefficient|)
+    |POLYCAT-;coefficient;SLLS;7| (127 . |monomial|)
+    |POLYCAT-;monomial;SLLS;8| (134 . |coerce|)
+    |POLYCAT-;retract;SVarSet;9| |POLYCAT-;retractIfCan;SU;10|
+    (139 . |degree|) (144 . |monomial|) |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12| 
+    (150 . |ground?|) (155 . |Zero|) (159 . =) (165 . |degree|) 
+    (170 . |leadingCoefficient|) (175 . |totalDegree|) (180 . |reductum|)
+    |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13| (185 . |member?|) (191 . |totalDegree|) 
+    |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14| (197 . |resultant|) (203 . |resultant|)
+    (210 . |discriminant|) (215 . |discriminant|) (221 . |primitiveMonomials|)
+    (|List| 6) (226 . |concat|) (231 . |removeDuplicates!|) (|Vector| 7)
+    (236 . |new|) (|Integer|) (242 . |minIndex|) (247 . |coefficient|)
+    (253 . |qsetelt!|) (|List| 220) (|Matrix| 7) (260 . |matrix|)
+    (|List| 78) (|Matrix| 6) (265 . |listOfLists|) (270 . |vertConcat|)
+    (|Matrix| $) (276 . |reducedSystem|) (|Vector| 6) (281 . |entries|)
+    (286 . |concat|) (292 . |concat|) 
+    (|Record| (|:| |mat| 88) (|:| |vec| 81)) (|Vector| $)
+    (298 . |reducedSystem|) (|GeneralPolynomialGcdPackage| 8 9 7 6)
+    (304 . |gcdPolynomial|) (310 . |gcdPolynomial|)
+    (|Union| 107 (QUOTE "failed")) (|List| 48)
+    (|PolynomialFactorizationByRecursion| 7 8 9 6) 
+    (316 . |solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion|)
+    (|Union| 111 (QUOTE "failed")) (|List| 46)
+    (322 . |solveLinearPolynomialEquation|) (|Factored| 48)
+    (328 . |factorByRecursion|) (|Factored| 46) (333 . |factorPolynomial|)
+    (338 . |factorSquareFreeByRecursion|)
+    (343 . |factorSquareFreePolynomial|) (|Factored| $) (348 . |factor|)
+    (|Factored| 7) (353 . |unit|) 
+    (|Union| (QUOTE "nil") (QUOTE "sqfr") (QUOTE "irred") (QUOTE "prime"))
+    (|Record| (|:| |flg| 123) (|:| |fctr| 7) (|:| |xpnt| 83))
+    (|List| 124) (358 . |factorList|)
+    (|Record| (|:| |flg| 123) (|:| |fctr| 6) (|:| |xpnt| 83))
+    (|List| 127) (|Factored| 6) (363 . |makeFR|) (369 . |unit|)
+    (374 . |multivariate|) 
+    (|Record| (|:| |flg| 123) (|:| |fctr| 48) (|:| |xpnt| 83))
+    (|List| 133) (380 . |factorList|) (385 . |factor|) (390 . |transpose|)
+    (395 . |characteristic|) (399 . |setUnion|) (405 . |degree|)
+    (|Union| $ (QUOTE "failed")) (411 . |exquo|) (417 . |ground|)
+    (422 . |transpose|) (|Union| 101 (QUOTE "failed")) (427 . |conditionP|)
+    (432 . |elt|) (438 . *) (444 . +) (450 . |conditionP|)
+    (455 . |charthRoot|) (460 . |charthRoot|) (465 . |Zero|)
+    (469 . |coefficient|) (476 . -) 
+    (|Record| (|:| |quotient| $) (|:| |remainder| $))
+    (482 . |monicDivide|) |POLYCAT-;monicDivide;2SVarSetR;30|
+    (|MultivariateSquareFree| 8 9 7 6) (488 . |squareFree|)
+    (493 . |squareFree|) (|PolynomialSquareFree| 9 8 7 6)
+    (498 . |squareFree|) (503 . |squareFree|) (508 . |unit|)
+    (|Record| (|:| |factor| 6) (|:| |exponent| 83)) (|List| 166)
+    (513 . |factors|) (518 . |squareFreePart|) (523 . |content|)
+    (528 . |content|) (534 . |zero?|) (539 . |content|) (544 . |exquo|)
+    (|Record| (|:| |unit| $) (|:| |canonical| $) (|:| |associate| $))
+    (550 . |unitNormal|) (555 . |primitivePart|) (560 . |content|)
+    (566 . |exquo|) (572 . |primitivePart|) (578 . <) (584 . <) (590 . <)
+    (|PatternMatchResult| 83 6) (|Pattern| 83)
+    (|PatternMatchPolynomialCategory| 83 8 9 7 6) (596 . |patternMatch|)
+    (|PatternMatchResult| 83 $) (603 . |patternMatch|)
+    (|PatternMatchResult| (|Float|) 6) (|Pattern| (|Float|))
+    (|PatternMatchPolynomialCategory| (|Float|) 8 9 7 6) 
+    (610 . |patternMatch|) (|PatternMatchResult| (|Float|) $)
+    (617 . |patternMatch|) (624 . |convert|) (629 . |convert|)
+    (|Mapping| 185 9) (|Mapping| 185 7)
+    (|PolynomialCategoryLifting| 8 9 7 6 185) (634 . |map|)
+    (641 . |convert|) (646 . |convert|) (651 . |convert|) (|Mapping| 191 9)
+    (|Mapping| 191 7) (|PolynomialCategoryLifting| 8 9 7 6 191)
+    (656 . |map|) (663 . |convert|) (|InputForm|) (668 . |convert|)
+    (673 . |convert|) (|Mapping| 210 9) (|Mapping| 210 7)
+    (|PolynomialCategoryLifting| 8 9 7 6 210) (678 . |map|)
+    (685 . |convert|) (|Record| (|:| |mat| 219) (|:| |vec| (|Vector| 83)))
+    (|Matrix| 83) (|List| 7) (|Equation| $) (|Union| 83 (QUOTE "failed"))
+    (|Union| 224 (QUOTE "failed")) (|Fraction| 83)
+    (|Union| 7 (QUOTE "failed"))))
+  (QUOTE #(|totalDegree| 690 |squareFreePart| 701 |squareFree| 706 
+   |solveLinearPolynomialEquation| 711 |retractIfCan| 717 |retract| 722 
+   |resultant| 727 |reducedSystem| 734 |primitivePart| 745 
+   |primitiveMonomials| 756 |patternMatch| 761 |monomials| 775 
+   |monomial| 780 |monicDivide| 787 |isTimes| 794 |isPlus| 799 
+   |isExpt| 804 |gcdPolynomial| 809 |factorSquareFreePolynomial| 815 
+   |factorPolynomial| 820 |factor| 825 |eval| 830 |discriminant| 836 
+   |convert| 842 |content| 857 |conditionP| 863 |coefficient| 868 
+   |charthRoot| 882 < 887))
+  (CONS (|makeByteWordVec2| 1 (QUOTE NIL))
+   (CONS (QUOTE #())
+    (CONS (QUOTE #())
+     (|makeByteWordVec2| 217 (QUOTE
+      (1 10 6 0 11 1 6 12 0 13 1 6 9 0 14 1 10 6 0 15 3 6 0 0 16 17 18 0 6 0
+       21 0 7 0 22 2 6 23 0 0 24 1 6 0 0 25 1 6 0 0 26 1 6 17 0 28 1 6 16 0
+       31 1 6 23 0 32 0 6 0 33 0 7 0 34 2 6 35 0 9 36 3 6 0 0 9 35 37 1 6 7
+       0 38 2 7 23 0 0 39 1 6 0 7 40 1 6 12 0 42 2 6 46 0 9 47 2 48 6 0 35
+       49 3 6 0 0 16 51 52 3 6 0 0 16 51 54 1 6 0 9 56 1 6 8 0 59 2 6 0 7 8
+       60 1 6 23 0 62 0 48 0 63 2 48 23 0 0 64 1 48 35 0 65 1 48 6 0 66 1 6
+       35 0 67 1 48 0 0 68 2 16 23 9 0 70 2 6 35 0 16 71 2 48 6 0 0 73 3 0
+       0 0 0 9 74 1 48 6 0 75 2 0 0 0 9 76 1 6 17 0 77 1 78 0 17 79 1 78 0
+       0 80 2 81 0 35 7 82 1 81 83 0 84 2 6 7 0 8 85 3 81 7 0 83 7 86 1 88
+       0 87 89 1 91 90 0 92 2 88 0 0 0 93 1 0 88 94 95 1 96 78 0 97 2 78 0
+       0 0 98 2 81 0 0 0 99 2 0 100 94 101 102 2 103 48 48 48 104 2 0 46 46
+       46 105 2 108 106 107 48 109 2 0 110 111 46 112 1 108 113 48 114 1 0
+       115 46 116 1 108 113 48 117 1 0 115 46 118 1 7 119 0 120 1 121 7 0
+       122 1 121 125 0 126 2 129 0 6 128 130 1 113 48 0 131 2 6 0 46 9 132
+       1 113 134 0 135 1 0 119 0 136 1 91 0 0 137 0 6 35 138 2 78 0 0 0 139
+       2 6 51 0 16 140 2 83 141 0 0 142 1 6 7 0 143 1 88 0 0 144 1 7 145 94
+       146 2 81 7 0 83 147 2 6 0 0 0 148 2 6 0 0 0 149 1 0 145 94 150 1 7
+       141 0 151 1 0 141 0 152 0 8 0 153 3 6 0 0 9 35 154 2 6 0 0 0 155 2
+       48 156 0 0 157 1 159 129 6 160 1 0 119 0 161 1 162 129 6 163 1 6 119
+       0 164 1 129 6 0 165 1 129 167 0 168 1 0 0 0 169 1 48 6 0 170 2 0 0 0
+       9 171 1 6 23 0 172 1 6 7 0 173 2 6 141 0 7 174 1 6 175 0 176 1 0 0 0
+       177 2 6 0 0 9 178 2 6 141 0 0 179 2 0 0 0 9 180 2 8 23 0 0 181 2 7 23
+       0 0 182 2 0 23 0 0 183 3 186 184 6 185 184 187 3 0 188 0 185 188 189
+       3 192 190 6 191 190 193 3 0 194 0 191 194 195 1 9 185 0 196 1 7 185
+       0 197 3 200 185 198 199 6 201 1 0 185 0 202 1 9 191 0 203 1 7 191 0
+       204 3 207 191 205 206 6 208 1 0 191 0 209 1 9 210 0 211 1 7 210 0
+       212 3 215 210 213 214 6 216 1 0 210 0 217 2 0 35 0 16 72 1 0 35 0 69
+       1 0 0 0 169 1 0 119 0 161 2 0 110 111 46 112 1 0 12 0 58 1 0 9 0 57
+       3 0 0 0 0 9 74 1 0 88 94 95 2 0 100 94 101 102 2 0 0 0 9 180 1 0 0 0
+       177 1 0 17 0 61 3 0 188 0 185 188 189 3 0 194 0 191 194 195 1 0 17 0
+       27 3 0 0 0 16 51 55 3 0 156 0 0 9 158 1 0 29 0 41 1 0 29 0 30 1 0 44
+       0 45 2 0 46 46 46 105 1 0 115 46 118 1 0 115 46 116 1 0 119 0 136 2
+       0 0 0 19 20 2 0 0 0 9 76 1 0 210 0 217 1 0 185 0 202 1 0 191 0 209 2
+       0 0 0 9 171 1 0 145 94 150 3 0 0 0 16 51 53 3 0 0 0 9 35 50 1 0 141
+       0 152 2 0 23 0 0 183))))))
+  (QUOTE |lookupComplete|))) 
 \section{RCAGG.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
 {\bf RCAGG} depends on a chain of files. We need to break this cycle to build
 the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf RCAGG}
@@ -33070,6 +35714,7 @@ Note that this code is not included in the generated 
catdef.spad file.
 <<category PDRING PartialDifferentialRing>>
 <<category PFECAT PolynomialFactorizationExplicit>>
 <<category PID PrincipalIdealDomain>>
+<<category POLYCAT PolynomialCategory>>
 <<category PRIMCAT PrimitiveFunctionCategory>>
 <<category PRQAGG PriorityQueueAggregate>>
 <<category QUAGG QueueAggregate>>
@@ -33200,6 +35845,7 @@ digraph dotabb {
@@ -33333,6 +35979,7 @@ digraph dotfull {
diff --git a/books/ps/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68f2efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/ps/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+%%Creator: dot version 2.8 (Thu Sep 14 20:34:11 UTC 2006)
+%%For: (root) root
+%%Title: pic
+%%Pages: (atend)
+%%BoundingBox: 36 36 234 224
+/DotDict 200 dict def
+DotDict begin
+/setupLatin1 {
+/EncodingVector 256 array def
+ EncodingVector 0
+ISOLatin1Encoding 0 255 getinterval putinterval
+EncodingVector 45 /hyphen put
+% Set up ISO Latin 1 character encoding
+/starnetISO {
+        dup dup findfont dup length dict begin
+        { 1 index /FID ne { def }{ pop pop } ifelse
+        } forall
+        /Encoding EncodingVector def
+        currentdict end definefont
+} def
+/Times-Roman starnetISO def
+/Times-Italic starnetISO def
+/Times-Bold starnetISO def
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+/Courier starnetISO def
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+/Courier-Bold starnetISO def
+/Courier-BoldOblique starnetISO def
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+       dup 1 exch div /InvScaleFactor exch def
+       dup scale
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+% styles
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bind def
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+/diagonals { } bind def
+% hooks for setting color 
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+       npages 1 gt {
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+                       coordfont setfont
+                       0 0 moveto
+                       (\() show i str cvs show (,) show j str cvs show (\)) 
+               grestore
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+       findfont exch
+       scalefont setfont
+} def
+% draw aligned label in bounding box aligned to current point
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+       gsave
+               width 0 gt {
+                       text stringwidth pop adj mul 0 rmoveto
+               } if
+               [] 0 setdash
+               text show
+       grestore
+} def
+/boxprim {                             % xcorner ycorner xsize ysize
+               4 2 roll
+               moveto
+               2 copy
+               exch 0 rlineto
+               0 exch rlineto
+               pop neg 0 rlineto
+               closepath
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+/ellipse_path {
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+       /y exch def
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+       matrix currentmatrix
+       newpath
+       x y translate
+       rx ry scale
+       0 0 1 0 360 arc
+       setmatrix
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+       [       % layer color sequence - darkest to lightest
+               [0 0 0]
+               [.2 .8 .8]
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+               [.6 .8 .8]
+               [.8 .8 .8]
+       ]
+/layerlen layercolorseq length def
+/setlayer {/maxlayer exch def /curlayer exch def
+       layercolorseq curlayer 1 sub layerlen mod get
+       aload pop sethsbcolor
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+       /graphcolor {nopcolor} def
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+       /myupper exch def
+       /mylower exch def
+       curlayer mylower lt
+       curlayer myupper gt
+       or
+       {invis} if
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+14 default-font-family set_font
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+% make sure pdfmark is harmless for PS-interpreters other than Distiller
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+% make '<<' and '>>' safe on PS Level 1 devices
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+2 lt {
+    userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put
+    userdict (>>) cvn ([) cvn load put
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+-6 186 lineto
+196 186 lineto
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+% FullyPatternMatchable(a:Type)
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+0 180 lineto
+0 144 lineto
+190 144 lineto
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+newpath 190 180 moveto
+0 180 lineto
+0 144 lineto
+190 144 lineto
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+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+8 157 moveto
+[7.44 6.96 3.84 3.6 6.96 7.44 6.24 3.84 3.84 6.24 5.04 6.96 12.48 6.24 3.84 6 
6.96 6.24 6.96 3.84 6.24 4.56 6.24 3.84 7.2 6.96 6.96 6.24 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% Type()
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+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
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+newpath 122 108 moveto
+68 108 lineto
+68 72 lineto
+122 72 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+76 85 moveto
+[7.2 6.96 6.96 6.24 4.56 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% FullyPatternMatchable(a:Type)->Type()
+newpath 95 144 moveto
+95 136 95 127 95 118 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 99 118 moveto
+95 108 lineto
+92 118 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 99 118 moveto
+95 108 lineto
+92 118 lineto
+end grestore
+% Category
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
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+61 0 lineto
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+61 0 lineto
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+[9.36 6.24 3.84 6.24 6.96 6.96 5.04 6.96]
+end grestore
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+% Type()->Category
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+1 setlinewidth
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+% Set up ISO Latin 1 character encoding
+/starnetISO {
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+        { 1 index /FID ne { def }{ pop pop } ifelse
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+        currentdict end definefont
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+       dup scale
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+% styles
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bind def
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+% hooks for setting color 
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+       npages 1 gt {
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+                       coordfont setfont
+                       0 0 moveto
+                       (\() show i str cvs show (,) show j str cvs show (\)) 
+               grestore
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+       scalefont setfont
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+% draw aligned label in bounding box aligned to current point
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+                       text stringwidth pop adj mul 0 rmoveto
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+               [] 0 setdash
+               text show
+       grestore
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+               moveto
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+               closepath
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+       newpath
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+       rx ry scale
+       0 0 1 0 360 arc
+       setmatrix
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+               [.8 .8 .8]
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+       layercolorseq curlayer 1 sub layerlen mod get
+       aload pop sethsbcolor
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+       curlayer mylower lt
+       curlayer myupper gt
+       or
+       {invis} if
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+% make '<<' and '>>' safe on PS Level 1 devices
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+    userdict (>>) cvn ([) cvn load put
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+799 72 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
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+[7.44 6.96 3.6 6.96 6.96 6.96 10.8 3.84 6.24 3.84 9.36 6.24 3.84 6.24 6.96 
6.96 5.04 6.96 4.56 6.24 3.84 9.36 3.84 6.96 6.96 3.6 6.96 3.84 10.08 4.56 6.96 
6.24 4.8 6.24 6.96 9.84 6.96 6.24 3.84 3.84 6.24 6.96 12.48 6.96 6.96 6.96 3.84 
6.96 7.68 6.96 6.96 3.6 6.24 3.84 10.08 4.56 6.96 6.24 4.8 6.24 6.96 7.68 6 
3.84 4.56]
+end grestore
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+% PDRING...
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+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
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+0 36 lineto
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+[7.68 10.08 9.36 4.56 9.84 10.08 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
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+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->PDRING...
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+end grestore
+% FAMR...
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+end grestore
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+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->FAMR...
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+1 setlinewidth
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+173 39 lineto
+end grestore
+% EVALAB...
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
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+end grestore
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+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->EVALAB...
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+1 setlinewidth
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+282 0 lineto
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+gsave 10 dict begin
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+[4.56 8.64 8.4 10.08 8.64 10.08 9.36 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->IEVALAB...
+newpath 512 72 moveto
+475 63 429 51 380 36 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
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+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
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+388 0 lineto
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+[9.36 8.64 8.64 9.36 9.36 9.36 7.44 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->RETRACT...
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+527 62 502 51 480 40 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 482 37 moveto
+471 36 lineto
+479 43 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 482 37 moveto
+471 36 lineto
+479 43 lineto
+end grestore
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 578 36 moveto
+496 36 lineto
+496 0 lineto
+578 0 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 578 36 moveto
+496 36 lineto
+496 0 lineto
+578 0 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+503 13 moveto
+[7.68 8.64 4.56 10.08 8.64 10.08 6.24 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->FLINEXP...
+newpath 574 72 moveto
+568 64 561 54 555 44 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 558 42 moveto
+549 36 lineto
+552 46 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 558 42 moveto
+549 36 lineto
+552 46 lineto
+end grestore
+% ORDSET...
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
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+596 36 lineto
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+676 0 lineto
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+596 0 lineto
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+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+603 13 moveto
+[10.08 9.36 10.08 7.68 8.64 7.44 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->ORDSET...
+newpath 599 72 moveto
+604 64 611 54 617 44 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 620 46 moveto
+623 36 lineto
+614 42 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 620 46 moveto
+623 36 lineto
+614 42 lineto
+end grestore
+% GCDDOM...
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 784 36 moveto
+694 36 lineto
+694 0 lineto
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+694 36 lineto
+694 0 lineto
+784 0 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+702 13 moveto
+[10.08 9.36 10.08 10.08 10.08 12.48 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->GCDDOM...
+newpath 625 72 moveto
+645 62 670 51 692 40 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 693 43 moveto
+701 36 lineto
+690 37 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 693 43 moveto
+701 36 lineto
+690 37 lineto
+end grestore
+% PFECAT...
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 880 36 moveto
+802 36 lineto
+802 0 lineto
+880 0 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 880 36 moveto
+802 36 lineto
+802 0 lineto
+880 0 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+810 13 moveto
+[7.68 7.68 8.64 9.12 9.36 7.44 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->PFECAT...
+newpath 662 72 moveto
+699 63 744 51 792 36 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 793 39 moveto
+802 33 lineto
+791 33 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 793 39 moveto
+802 33 lineto
+791 33 lineto
+end grestore
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 990 36 moveto
+898 36 lineto
+898 0 lineto
+990 0 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 990 36 moveto
+898 36 lineto
+898 0 lineto
+990 0 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+905 13 moveto
+[9.12 10.08 10.08 10.08 8.64 8.88 7.44 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->KONVERT...
+newpath 709 72 moveto
+761 63 824 52 888 36 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 889 39 moveto
+898 33 lineto
+887 33 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 889 39 moveto
+898 33 lineto
+887 33 lineto
+end grestore
+% PATMAB...
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 1092 36 moveto
+1008 36 lineto
+1008 0 lineto
+1092 0 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 1092 36 moveto
+1008 36 lineto
+1008 0 lineto
+1092 0 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+1015 13 moveto
+[6.48 9.36 8.64 12.48 10.08 9.36 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->PATMAB...
+newpath 789 72 moveto
+853 64 925 53 998 36 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 999 39 moveto
+1008 34 lineto
+998 33 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 999 39 moveto
+1008 34 lineto
+998 33 lineto
+end grestore
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 1202 36 moveto
+1110 36 lineto
+1110 0 lineto
+1202 0 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 1202 36 moveto
+1110 36 lineto
+1110 0 lineto
+1202 0 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+1117 13 moveto
+[9.12 10.08 12.48 9.36 4.56 9.84 10.08 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% PolynomialCategory(a:Ring,b:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,c:OrderedSet)->COMRING...
+newpath 799 78 moveto
+889 70 996 58 1100 36 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 1101 39 moveto
+1110 34 lineto
+1100 33 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 1101 39 moveto
+1110 34 lineto
+1100 33 lineto
+end grestore
+%%EndPage: 1
+%%Pages: 1

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