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VMS port - Advice wanted for not having a fork() call.

From: John E. Malmberg
Subject: VMS port - Advice wanted for not having a fork() call.
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2012 07:22:35 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20120129 Thunderbird/10.0

The existing port of Bash for VMS claims to be 1.4.8, which as near as I can tell must be based on 1.4.7, as I do not see a 1.4.8 in the download section.

What they did to work around that VMS does not have a fork() call, is to:

    Make a copy of several global variables and structures.
    Set the global variables to point to the copy.
    set a stack local structure to point to the original values.

And then at a later point where the child processes has exited:
    Set the global variables to point to the original structures
    Dispose of the copy.

Since then, the structure of Bash and the global variables has changed a bit.

So what I am trying to find is where in Bash 4.2 that I should be putting the save/restore, what variables need to be copied/saved/restored, and what the best routines to do that.

And where I can just set a flag to avoid the fork() operation all together.


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