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2.1.13 cfexecd --no-splay requires argument

From: Jim Wight
Subject: 2.1.13 cfexecd --no-splay requires argument
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:43:43 +0000

If given --no-splay as argument, cfexecd complains that --no-splay
requires an argument. It is clear from the source why that is:

struct option CFDOPTIONS[] =
   { "help",no_argument,0,'h' },
   { "debug",optional_argument,0,'d' },
   { "verbose",no_argument,0,'v' },
   { "file",required_argument,0,'f' },
   { "no-splay",required_argument,0,'q' },
   { "no-fork",no_argument,0,'F' },
   { "once",no_argument,0,'1'},
   { "foreground",no_argument,0,'g'},
   { "parse-only",no_argument,0,'p'},
   { "ld-library-path",required_argument,0,'L'},
   { NULL,0,0,0 }

Furthermore, -q and -f are rejected as invalid options. They've been
forgotten about altogether. From the source:

while ((c=getopt_long(argc,argv,"L:d:vhpFV1g",CFDOPTIONS,&optindex)) != EOF)

-V is not documented (at 


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