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Re: [Bug-cpio] Re: Bug#564259: cpio: Cpio core dumps

From: Nigel Horne
Subject: Re: [Bug-cpio] Re: Bug#564259: cpio: Cpio core dumps
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 09:47:36 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20091109)

No - I also use the v option:

find `cat usr/local/lib/dirs/usb` -mtime -7 -print | cpio -pvdu

Thanks. Two more questions: does coredump occur always on the same
file? How many files/bytes (approximately) are archived before it
1) No.  But I think it's always an NFS file.
2) I just tried it and 50688 out of 530816 where copied. I do not know how typical that count it.

For what it's worth, I've seen this on 32-bit and 64-bit machines on both Debian/Linux and Debian/Hurd.

Nigel Horne. Arranger, Adjudicator, Band Trainer, Composer, Tutor, Typesetter.
NJH Music, ICQ#20252325
address@hidden http://www.bandsman.co.uk

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