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Re: [Bug-gnash] Dim Dim Free Software Web Conference and gnash

From: Praveen A
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnash] Dim Dim Free Software Web Conference and gnash
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 16:12:19 -0800

2008/12/9 strk <address@hidden>:
> Hi,
> Can you give instructions on how to reproduce the problem ?

1. Go to dimdim.com
2. Click on "Start Meeting" Button on right
3. Login (if you don't have a login, sign up first)
4. Click on "Host Meeting" on left
5. Customize if you want (room name, timing ...)
6. Click start
7. Click on "Documents"
8. Upload a PDF presentation
9. Open another tab
10. Go to dimdim.com
11. Enter meeting room (you created earlier) and your name. Right now
you can give (if anyone want to try) "pravi" as the meeting name.
12. Go to the previous tab and change slides
13. Participants don't see the slide changes - you see only the first slide

Hope this explains.

Right now I have hosted a meeting (I will keep it open for some time -
room "pravi"). If you don't see it, you can open your own.

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