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gnulib-tool.py: Correct type hint and doc string.

From: Collin Funk
Subject: gnulib-tool.py: Correct type hint and doc string.
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2024 21:00:58 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Hi Bruno,

Thanks for your recent patch gnulib-tool.py. I didn't really look at it
until now.

One minor correction I applied. The GLModule.getDependentsRecursively
function returns 'set[GLModule]' not 'str'.

The function looks similar to a function I wrote that does this to the
set before returning:

        module_names = sorted([ module.name
                                for module in outmodules ])
        return lines_to_multiline(module_names)

So I assume it was just a simple copy past mistake.

Now that I think of it I'm not sure why I return a string there. I think
it is better to return a set and let the caller sort as they wish,
format for printing, etc. Perhaps I was just focused on getting it
working at the time. :)


Attachment: 0001-gnulib-tool.py-Correct-type-hint-and-doc-string.patch
Description: Text Data

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