In most Gnulib modules, when we have a function that does something
and another function that does the same thing with diagnostics, the
common convention is that the latter has an 'x' prefix. Such as for
malloc — xalloc
vasprintf — xvasprintf
getcwd — xgetcwd
striconv — xstriconv
The modules 'acl' and 'copy-file' use an opposite convention:
qcopy_acl — copy_acl
This is so for historical reasons: the function which emits diagnostics
was there before the silent function.
In the name of consistency of the API, I'd like to migrate 'acl' and 'copy-file'
to the common conventions: In a first step
qcopy_acl — xcopy_acl
and then later (in a year or two):
copy_acl — xcopy_acl
At some point, we can then also rename the modules accordingly.