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Re: tty heuristics in lib/readutmp.c exclude "web" sessions

From: Allison Karlitskaya
Subject: Re: tty heuristics in lib/readutmp.c exclude "web" sessions
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 22:55:59 +0200


Please see attached :)


On Mon, 26 Aug 2024 at 16:47, Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org> wrote:
Allison Karlitskaya wrote:
> This impacts the output of the "who" command when someone is logged in via
> Cockpit.  The old version printed:
>     admin    web console  2024-08-26 08:46 (::ffff:
> and the new version simply doesn't list the login.

The goal of the new readutmp implementation is to simulate what the old one
gave, while at the same time cleaning up historic inconsistencies.

In this case, it sounds like we would want to list web sessions.

Since I don't have Cockpit installed, can you please provide me with the
necessary info:
  1. Before starting a Cockpit session, do
     $ tar cvfz /tmp/data-before.tar.gz /var/run/systemd/seats /var/run/systemd/sessions
  2. Start a Cockpit session.
  3. Do
     $ tar cvfz /tmp/data-after.tar.gz /var/run/systemd/seats /var/run/systemd/sessions
  4. Send both tarfiles as mail attachments (via private mail if they
     contain confidential details).



Attachment: data-before.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: data-after.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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