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Re: build problems

From: Giuseppe Scrivano
Subject: Re: build problems
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 21:14:04 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080509)

gabriele balducci wrote:
giuseppe: the problem reduces exactly to this. The icecat script
contains run-mozilla.sh while it should contain run-icecat.sh. It is
trivial to run a sed on the icecat script which will change all
occurrences of run-mozilla.sh into run-icecat.sh, but I think that this
should be fixed upstream in the build/install procedure (i.e. by you

thank you very much for your time and for icecat

I just uploaded a new version that should fix this problem:
94d2b780dd2e567e7a4791107f9a4415  icecat-3-g1.tar.bz2

As it is only one modified file you can use directly the attached patch to save both time and bandwidth :)

--- icecat/browser/app/mozilla.in       1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ icecat/browser/app/mozilla.in       2008-07-09 14:57:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+# License.
+# The Original Code is mozilla.org Code.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+# Netscape Communications Corporation.
+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s):
+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+## $Id: mozilla.in,v 1.16 2007/10/05 07:29:26 reed%reedloden.com Exp $
+## Usage:
+## $ mozilla [args]
+## This script is meant to run the mozilla-bin binary from either 
+## mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap or mozilla/dist/bin.
+## The script will setup all the environment voodoo needed to make
+## the mozilla-bin binary to work.
+#uncomment for debugging
+#set -x
+# Use run-icecat.sh in the current dir if it exists
+# If not, then start resolving symlinks until we find run-icecat.sh
+curdir=`dirname "$progname"`
+progbase=`basename "$progname"`
+if test -x "$run_moz"; then
+  dist_bin="$curdir"
+  found=1
+  here=`/bin/pwd`
+  while [ -h "$progname" ]; do
+    bn=`basename "$progname"`
+    cd `dirname "$progname"`
+    progname=`/bin/ls -l "$bn" | sed -e 's/^.* -> //' `
+    progbase=`basename "$progname"`
+    if [ ! -x "$progname" ]; then
+      break
+    fi
+    curdir=`dirname "$progname"`
+    run_moz="$curdir/run-icecat.sh"
+    if [ -x "$run_moz" ]; then
+      cd "$curdir"
+      dist_bin=`pwd`
+      run_moz="$dist_bin/run-icecat.sh"
+      found=1
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  cd "$here"
+if [ $found = 0 ]; then
+  # Check default compile-time libdir
+  if [ -x "$moz_libdir/run-icecat.sh" ]; then
+    dist_bin="$moz_libdir"
+  else 
+    echo "Cannot find mozilla runtime directory. Exiting."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if [ "$OSTYPE" = "beos" ]; then
+  mimeset -F "$MOZILLA_BIN"
+while [ $# -gt $pass_arg_count ]
+  case "$1" in
+    -p | --pure | -pure)
+      MOZILLA_BIN="${MOZILLA_BIN}.pure"
+      shift
+      ;;
+    -g | --debug)
+      script_args="$script_args -g"
+      debugging=1
+      shift
+      ;;
+    -d | --debugger)
+      script_args="$script_args -d $2"
+      shift 2
+      ;;
+    *)
+      # Move the unrecognized argument to the end of the list.
+      arg="$1"
+      shift
+      set -- "$@" "$arg"
+      pass_arg_count=`expr $pass_arg_count + 1`
+      ;;
+  esac
+if [ $debugging = 1 ]
+  echo $dist_bin/run-icecat.sh $script_args $dist_bin/$MOZILLA_BIN "$@"
+"$dist_bin/run-icecat.sh" $script_args "$dist_bin/$MOZILLA_BIN" "$@"
+exit $exitcode
+# EOF.

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