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Re: [Bug-gnuzilla] IceCat browser default on Windows 7?

From: Narcis Garcia
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnuzilla] IceCat browser default on Windows 7?
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 12:15:13 +0100

In this needings situation I'd prefer one of following options:
1) Use directly the computer with GNU/Linux when needing to browse web
2) Use remotely (eg. vnc) the computer with GNU/Linux to browse web
3) Run a GNU/Linux virtual machine in Windows host to browse web

Running FOSS in Windows, you are exposing this software to
viruses/spammers/trackers customization out of your control.

Most of Windows malware is prepared to modify user's aplications
behaviour, and to spy your activity and traffic at application level.

El 11/12/16 a les 19:18, Daniel Quintiliani ha escrit:
> You think that people who, through no fault of their own, can only afford 
> cheap laptops, or are stuck with Secure Boot and TPM because they lack 
> technical expertise to build a computer, should be forced to use unfree 
> browsers like Edge and Chrome, or the privacy settings of Firefox? I have two 
> computers, one Win10 and one Xubuntu, both of which I built myself. I need 
> the Windows computer for a few unfree things, mainly as a substitute for a 
> television for my bedroom, and when I'm stuck with this pretty DRM machine 
> for whatever reason, I'd rather use a GNU project browser than DRM and 
> privacy risks like Edge, Chrome, and Firefox. Wouldn't you?
> --
> -Dan Q
> On Sun, 11 Dec 2016 11:55:09 +0100, Narcis Garcia <address@hidden> wrote:
>> "IceCat is more needed on unfree OSes than free OSes"
>> I don't subscribe this sentence. Completely not.
>> El 04/12/16 a les 22:29, Daniel Quintiliani ha escrit:
>>> IceCat is more needed on unfree OSes than free OSes. That's why I was a 
>>> little bummed to not see a Windows release of v45, when I have to use 
>>> Windows I'd like a little freedom and privacy even if it isn't much.
>>> --
>>> -Dan Q
>>> On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 21:19:32 +0100, mdn <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> If I am not mistaken,Normally if windows has only one browser he
>>>> launches the said browser.
>>>> Uninstall any other browser (IE included) to uninstall IE go in the
>>>> uninstall software section (in the control panel) there is a "add/remove
>>>> windows components" button (up left) from where you can remove internet
>>>> explorer (has well has others functions)
>>>> Be careful and see to migrate one day to a gnu distribution.
>>>> Good luck
>>>> Le 04/12/2016 02:05, Petr Vláčil a écrit :
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I started using this browser as a main on Windows 7 PRO x64bit, but I 
>>>>> can't click on set it as a default browser. Is there any chance to set 
>>>>> IceCat as a default browser?
>>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>>> Btw. I found this 
>>>>> http://www.glump.net/howto/desktop/set-gnu-icecat-as-default-browser-in-windows-8-x
>>>>>  , but I don't know, whether is this functional on Windows 7 PRO x64bit.
>>>>> --
>>>>> http://gnuzilla.gnu.org
>>>> --
>>>> http://gnuzilla.gnu.org
>>> --
>>> http://gnuzilla.gnu.org
>> --
>> http://gnuzilla.gnu.org

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