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Re: [Bug-gnuzilla] IceCat browser default on Windows 7?

From: Ivan Zaigralin
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnuzilla] IceCat browser default on Windows 7?
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 19:48:29 -0800
User-agent: KMail/4.14.10 (Linux/4.4.29-gnu; KDE/4.14.21; x86_64; ; )

On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 05:28:29 Mart Rootamm wrote:
> Yet other people want a Free Software Gecko-based browser for general
> browsing, hoping to get funtionality that's not present in Firefox anymore.
> Lack of a Windows version thus reduces exposure.

We have to take the efficiency into account, I think. And look, using icecat 
on Window$ is like putting on rubber shoes before diving into a lake. Yes, 
making something like that available for Window$ may increase exposure to free 
software, but no, it does not improve users' privacy or security by any amount 
worth talking about. And saying that it makes users better off would be a 
disservice to the users. This would be just like Tails project claiming they 
focus on privacy, while in fact they force their users into running a non-
free, mystery blob-filled Linux kernel, which almost certainly comes with 
backdoors inside its network drivers.

I am not it any way speaking for the gnuzilla project, but I gather they are 
very busy and understaffed, struggling even to keep up with security updates 
upstream. If they can afford building for Window$ (which I personally feel is 
next to useless), great. But if some users feel a lack here, then may be they 
should step up and contribute a build.

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