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Re: [Bug-gnuzilla] IceCat browser default on Windows 7?

From: awakeyet
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnuzilla] IceCat browser default on Windows 7?
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2016 18:26:20 +0100 (CET)

Oh Come On. if you use IceCat on windows for privacy benefits of using a better browser it's completely  and pathetically negated by the very fact that IceCat is running in an operating system who's very job is to spy the ************************** out of everyone who uses it.
windows literally takes a picture of your desktop every 10 seconds to 10 minutes and garbles it into a png file and sends it to microsoft. that's your passwords, your social security number, your entire life. tricking yourself into believing that you get any security related benefit out of using a good browser on a very very bad operating system is just plain silly. windows even lets you change privacy and security settings, but just changes them back for you later when you are not looking. look up prism. facebook, google, microsoft, apple (who claims to stand up to the MAN!), aol, yahoo, and a few others. they are a part of prism and literally just give the nsa whatever they want. wake up.

11. Dec 2016 13:18 by address@hidden:

You think that people who, through no fault of their own, can only afford cheap laptops, or are stuck with Secure Boot and TPM because they lack technical expertise to build a computer, should be forced to use unfree browsers like Edge and Chrome, or the privacy settings of Firefox? I have two computers, one Win10 and one Xubuntu, both of which I built myself. I need the Windows computer for a few unfree things, mainly as a substitute for a television for my bedroom, and when I'm stuck with this pretty DRM machine for whatever reason, I'd rather use a GNU project browser than DRM and privacy risks like Edge, Chrome, and Firefox. Wouldn't you?


-Dan Q

On Sun, 11 Dec 2016 11:55:09 +0100, Narcis Garcia <address@hidden> wrote:
"IceCat is more needed on unfree OSes than free OSes"
I don't subscribe this sentence. Completely not.

El 04/12/16 a les 22:29, Daniel Quintiliani ha escrit:
> IceCat is more needed on unfree OSes than free OSes. That's why I was a little bummed to not see a Windows release of v45, when I have to use Windows I'd like a little freedom and privacy even if it isn't much.
> --
> -Dan Q
> On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 21:19:32 +0100, mdn <address@hidden> wrote:
>> If I am not mistaken,Normally if windows has only one browser he
>> launches the said browser.
>> Uninstall any other browser (IE included) to uninstall IE go in the
>> uninstall software section (in the control panel) there is a "add/remove
>> windows components" button (up left) from where you can remove internet
>> explorer (has well has others functions)
>> Be careful and see to migrate one day to a gnu distribution.
>> Good luck
>> Le 04/12/2016 02:05, Petr Vláčil a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> I started using this browser as a main on Windows 7 PRO x64bit, but I can't click on set it as a default browser. Is there any chance to set IceCat as a default browser?
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Btw. I found this http://www.glump.net/howto/desktop/set-gnu-icecat-as-default-browser-in-windows-8-x , but I don't know, whether is this functional on Windows 7 PRO x64bit.
>>> --
>>> http://gnuzilla.gnu.org
>> --
>> http://gnuzilla.gnu.org
> --
> http://gnuzilla.gnu.org



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