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Re: CeCILL-B version 1

From: Yuchen Pei
Subject: Re: CeCILL-B version 1
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 22:34:02 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.2

jahoti <jahoti@envs.net> writes:


some of the JavaScript used by Framadate
(e.g. https://framadate.org/aqg259dth55iuhwm) appears to be licensed
under the CeCILL-B version 1 license. This is a recognized free
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#CeCILL-B), yet
not currently compatible with LibreJS.

I can provide a patch if given advice on how to obtain suitable magnet

Following the example on <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-librejs/2016-04/msg00008.html>, I managed to generate a magnet link:

wget https://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.txt -O cecillb.txt
transmission-create cecillb.txt -o cecillb.txt.torrent
transmission-show -m cecillb.txt.torrent

and I get


I'm not familiar with bit torrent enough to know whether the bith is reproducible on a different machine.

More broadly why are magnet links used? I can see it provides both a hash and a way to get the license, but I also notice reports in the mailing list about these links not having seeders. So if it is just for hashing, maybe a hash of the license file is sufficient.




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