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Re: Cannot specify the number of threads for parsort

From: Rob Sargent
Subject: Re: Cannot specify the number of threads for parsort
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 16:12:14 -0700
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On 2/10/23 16:06, Ole Tange wrote:
On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 3:30 PM Mario Roy <marioeroy@gmail.com> wrote:
This is a wish list for allowing one to specify the number of threads via an ENVIRONMENT variable that works consistently using parallel or parsort. Basically, I want to specify the number of threads for parsort regardless of processing files specified via command-line arguments or STDIN.
You can use taskset:

taskset -c 1-5 parallel --number-of-threads

(parsort uses parallel --number-of-threads).

For parallel you might also use PARALLEL=-j5

Can you explain why you need this? To me it seems odd not to use all
the cores you paid for.


I'm guessing OP is on shared hardware (either with OP's own jobs or with other users).  There's a current phobia of having a machine actually using all it's cores and a misconception that the users can do a better job of scheduling than the scheduler!

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