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Using 1.8.0rc2 with device mapper

From: Debarshi 'Rishi' Ray
Subject: Using 1.8.0rc2 with device mapper
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 17:57:08 +0000

I was trying the latest 1.8.0rc2 code which I checked out from the
SVN. Is it possible to use Parted with a whole volume group, instead
of the logical volumes individually? eg., I have a volume group called
'devel', which contains 'alpha' and 'beta' as logical volumes. So can
I do something like:
# parted /dev/devel (obviously /dev/devel is a directory)
instead of:
# parted /dev/devel/alpha (which works)

Happy hacking,
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but rather a developed nation in an advanced state of decay."
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