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Re: wget -p shall honor -H (isn´t used unless -r is given)

From: Tim Rühsen
Subject: Re: wget -p shall honor -H (isn´t used unless -r is given)
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2023 19:48:28 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hey Elmar,

did you try the following?

wget2 -p -r -l 1 -N -D static.esquire.de https://www.esquire.de/life/reisen/schoenste-wasserfaelle-welt-natur

It downloads 94 files, 44 are .jpg files in static.esquire.de/.

TBH, I am not 100% sure what you are trying to do, so excuse me if I am off the track. The -p option is for downloading the files you need for displaying a page (e.g. inlined images). If the images are just links, they are not downloaded by -p. In this case, -r -l 1 help. If images that are displayed in the browser are downloaded/displayed by javascript, wget/wget2 won't help you.

Regards, Tim

On 9/13/23 00:14, Elmar Stellnberger wrote:
Hi to all!

   Today I wanted to download the following web page for means of

   The following command line did not do what I want:
wget -p -N -H -D esquire.de --tries=10 

   The following seemed to do:
wget -p -r -N -H -D esquire.de --exclude-domains www.esquire.de --tries=10 
: files downloaded:
: dld.log:
BEENDET --2023-09-12 23:18:01--
Verstrichene Zeit: 1,2s
Geholt: 2 Dateien, 246K in 0,07s (3,62 MB/s)
i.e. diz "two files fetched, no error"

   Without -r & --exclude-domains it did download 52 files (most of them
.js), all from www.esquire.de and none from static.esquire.de. Finally I
succeeded to download the images desired by me by á: (here starting from
the second file as I did a manual download of the first)
grep -o "https://static.esquire.de/[^ ]*\.jpg" schoenste-wasserfaelle-welt-natur.html | 
sed -n '2,500/./p' | while read line; do wget -p "$line"; done

   Might (theoretically) be a bug of wget 1.21.4 (1.mga9, i.e. Mageia 9
i686) that it did not download more than two files at the second attempt,
though that may also be supposed to be a public-avail-silicon fallacy by
whomever wants it to assume.

   BTW: 'wpdld' is my scriptlet to archive the web pages I read. Regarding
the pages it works for (using wget) I prefer this over a Firefox
save-page, as it keeps the web page more or less in pristine state to be
mirrored like at the Wayback machine, if necessary. Not to save on disk
what I read is something I have experienced that it can be nasty, caus´
not every article in news is kept online forever, or be it that it is
just deleted from the indexes of search engines (and on-page searches).
I would also have 'wpv' for viewing, but alas that isn´t multidomain or
non-relative link ready - Hi, what about a make-relative feature of
already downloaded web pages on disk for wget2? (would be my desire as I
prefer to download non-relative and doing that on disk allows a 'dircmp'
(another self-written program to compare (and sync) directories; using it
more or less since 2008).)

Elmar Stellnberger

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