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Re: [Chicken-users] Error: illegal bytevector syntax: unspecified

From: Todd Dukes
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Error: illegal bytevector syntax: unspecified
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 12:15:28 -0500

I have found the problem. I had used the constant #unspecified which
is supported by Bigloo, but not by Chicken. I can just use #t for the
Chicken version.

The error does make a little more sense, now that I see that the text
'unspecified' is what was causing the confusion. Line numbers are
always nice though.


>>>>> "Todd" == Todd Dukes <address@hidden> writes:

    Todd> Is it typical for chicken not to give file location
    Todd> information, ie file name and line number, when it finds an
    Todd> error in an input source it is compiling.

    Todd> I see this when doing an eval in Bigloo, but when compiling
    Todd> it typically gives the source location of the error.

    Todd> I don't think I am using any homogeneous vectors in this
    Todd> file.

    Todd> bash-2.05a$ grep vector disasm-utils-lib.scm (let ((z
    Todd> (make-vector (length bit-list))) (s (make-vector (length
    Todd> bit-list))) (op-mask (make-vector (length bit-list)))
    Todd> (op-value-mask (make-vector (length bit-list)))
    Todd> ;(vector-set! vector k obj) ;(vector-ref vector k)
    Todd> (vector-set! z 0 0) (vector-set! s 0 (-
    Todd> *instruction-word-size* (cadr (car bit-list)) 1))
    Todd> (vector-set! op-mask 0 (range->mask (car bit-list)))
    Todd> (vector-set! op-value-mask 0 (bit-rshelong (vector-ref
    Todd> op-mask 0) (vector-ref s 0))) (vector-set! z index (+ (- xn
    Todd> yn) (vector-ref z (- index 1)))) (vector-set! s index (-
    Todd> *instruction-word-size* yn 1 (vector-ref z index)))
    Todd> (vector-set! op-mask index (range->mask (car remaining)))
    Todd> (vector-set! op-value-mask index (bit-rshelong (vector-ref
    Todd> op-mask index) (vector-ref s index))) (vector->list
    Todd> op-mask))) (vector->list op-value-mask)))) (print "vref "
    Todd> (vector-ref op-value-mask index) " elong " (elong?
    Todd> (vector-ref op-value-mask index)))) (vector-ref
    Todd> op-value-mask (shifted (bit-lshelong this-section
    Todd> (vector-ref s index))) (if (> (vector-length z) index)
    Todd> (vector-ref z bash-2.05a$

    Todd> I think all of the vector functions I am using are from
    Todd> R5RS. I am pretty sure the bit-rshelong and big-lshelong
    Todd> don't exist, but I would expect an undefine symbol error
    Todd> message for those.

    Todd> Are there any flags to give the compiler to encourage it to
    Todd> give a more verbose error message?

    Todd> Thanks, Todd.

>>>>> "Kon" == Kon Lovett <address@hidden> writes:

    Kon> On Apr 25, 2008, at 5:26 PM, Todd Dukes wrote:

    >>> I am trying to build a project that I originally had written
    >>> for compilation with Bigloo.
    >>> I am getting this error:
    >>> bash-2.05a$ make echo disasm-utils-lib.scm " --> "
    >>> disasm-utils-lib.o disasm-utils-lib.scm --> disasm-utils-lib.o
    >>> csc -o disasm-utils-lib.o -c disasm-utils-lib.scm Error:
    >>> illegal bytevector syntax: unspecified *** Shell command
    >>> terminated with exit status 1: /pkg/chicken-/3.1.0/
    >>> x86_64-linux//bin/chicken disasm-utils-lib.scm -output-file
    >>> disasm- utils-lib.c -quiet make: *** [disasm-utils-lib.o]
    >>> Error 1 bash-2.05a$
    >>> How do I get more information about to what the error is
    >>> relates.

    Kon> Probably sharp-syntax that looks like it could be SRFI 4
    Kon> vector read- syntax, but isn't one of:

    Kon> #u8 #U8 #s8 #S8 #u16 #U16 #s16 #S16 #u32 #U32 #s32 #S32 #f32
    Kon> #F32 #f64 #F64

    >>> Thanks, Todd.
    >>> _______________________________________________ Chicken-users
    >>> mailing list address@hidden

    Kon> Best Wishes, Kon

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