Vincent GACOUGNOLLE wrote:
Sorry if I am wrong, I am a new-by.
I am looking for core utils manipulating crtime on ext4 and ntfs.
In a large vision, I would like get from coreutils the ability to use new
file attributes we can found on modern FS like ext4 and ntfs.
After seen sources ofr last version, I found ls command from GNU coreutils is
laking crtime usage. We have an answer here:
With new option to ls:
/usr/bin/ls [-aAbcCdeEfFghHilLmnopqrRsStuvVx1@]
[-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all] [file]...
Thanks to say me if there is any improvement planned and where I can find it
on this site.
Please write to address@hidden (Cc'd) in the future.
You probably want the new %W format (it prints a file's 'birth-time')
that is supported in coreutils-8.6's stat program.