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Re: Make coretutils work better with SELinux.

From: Pádraig Brady
Subject: Re: Make coretutils work better with SELinux.
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2012 15:47:13 +0000
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On 11/01/2012 01:20 PM, Daniel J Walsh wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On 10/31/2012 08:54 PM, Pádraig Brady wrote:
On 10/30/2012 02:43 PM, Daniel J Walsh wrote:

For some reason I could not get git to take more then a one line
comment. This is the comment I was trying to add.

build: Change -Z opt w/out arg label target with default label

The -Z without argument will ask SELinux what the default label of the i
dest object should be and then attempt to change it.

The -Z with an optional context will create all targets with the optional
label. This is still supported for backwards compatability.

The mv command does not support the optional argument.

BTW, it looks like coreutils has removed -ZCONTEXT from cp, if I had my
druthers, I would make all commands just use -Z and not allow the
optional arg.  Then -Z would just set the default label.  I would bet
that no one in history has executed a command like:

mkdir -Zunconfined_u:object_r:httpd_user_content_t:s0 ~/myweb

Thanks for the update.

Short options with optional args are very problematic. It would mean `cp
-aZ` was OK while `cp -Za` was not etc. Also in Red Hat distros, `cp -Z`
requires an arg, so changing that would mean that older scripts that used
`cp -Z blah...` would break with newer cp, as a space is not allowed for
optional args.

For that reason I would keep -Z and --context as is, but deprecate them for
the commands that set a context, and add a new --new-context option that
could take the optional arg:

In that way, -Z can continue to be used as it is commonly with commands
like `ls` etc. to _read_ the context. Whereas the currently rare form of
{mkdir,cp,install} -Z context:to_write can be deprecated in favor of:

--new-context[=CONTEXT] set security context to CONTEXT, or set context to
the system default for the destination.

I'm mildly in favor of introducing --new-context, over just making
--context take an optional arg (so that it's obvious a new context is being
set, rather than one being copied), but I'm strongly against making -Z take
an optional arg.

cheers, Pádraig.

If I made the -Z option not take an optional arg but default to "setting the
default context, on the commands that create new content", are you ok with that?

Then make --context or --new-context always take an arg?

That would be preferable, but the main worry I'd have with that,
is install scripts and packages etc. in Red Hat land doing:
`install -Z context:to_write ...`

I don't think we could break compatibility with that now?


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