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Re: I want to automatically implement nice and ionice values while runni

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: I want to automatically implement nice and ionice values while running an executable file
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 14:21:12 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

Susmita & Rajib Bandopadhyay wrote:
> I will try to provide you with a scenario for my desiring to learn
> launching 3rd party debian app on lxpanel using code.

That's great.  What you want to do sounds very reasonable to me.
Being able to do this is one of the good things about free(dom)

However you have written to the coreutils mailing list.  The coreutils
project is concerned with the basic utilities of the operating system.
That means commands such as cp, mv, rm, and many others.  But you are
asking about how to configure your desktop environment.  I am sorry
but this is the wrong mailing list for that type of question.  We
don't know much about desktop environments here.

I suggest looking up one of the mailing lists associated with your
desktop.  I am not very familiar with LXDE but I would start here.

Unfortunately I don't immediately see a user community mailing list.
But there are other options there such as IRC that would probably

> I write
>     | nohup nice -n 19 -- ionice -n 7 -t -- chromium|

That seems reasonable to me given your environment.

> I wish to write a Chromestart.desktop file in /usr/share/applications
> directory where I could do this, stepwise everytime, clicking an icon on
> the panel that represents these steps, without my writing the codes
> setpwise everytime I reach runlevel 5 into lxsession.

That seems very reasonable to me.  I think you should do as you
suggest.  You should create a .desktop file that launces your web
browser using that set of command options.  Sounds good!  :-)

I think you are asking what should go into such a file.  If I knew I
would be happy to suggest something.  But I don't.  Try asking on one
of the LXDE community lists or web forums or irc and I am sure someone
will help you.  The .desktop file conforms to and
looking at the site might help too.  If you don't find
something in the lxde community try looking in the larger community.


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