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Re: Wishing rmdir had a prompt

From: Kaz Kylheku (Coreutils)
Subject: Re: Wishing rmdir had a prompt
Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2019 11:01:08 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.2

On 2019-09-02 01:03, Sami Kerola wrote:
I am not a maintainer, but I don't see any problem adding --interactive long only option. Getting a short option may clash with future posix requirement,
so I believe they are not handed out without really good reasons.

Fear not; POSIX standardization is not ignorant of significant implementations
like those from GNU.

For example, here is a literal quote from Issue 7 (2018) POSIX's awk page:

"The undefined behavior resulting from NULs in extended regular expressions allows future extensions for the GNU gawk program to process binary data."

"GNU -> GNU Now (mentioned in) Unix"


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