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Re: Modify buffering of standard streams via environment variables (not

From: Carl Edquist
Subject: Re: Modify buffering of standard streams via environment variables (not LD_PRELOAD)?
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 11:00:05 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 18 Apr 2024, Zachary Santer wrote:

On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 4:54 AM Carl Edquist <> wrote:

However, if stdbuf's magic env vars are exported in your shell (either by doing a trick like 'export $(env -i stdbuf -oL env)', or else more simply by first starting a new shell with 'stdbuf -oL bash'), then every command in your pipelines will start with the new default line-buffered stdout. That way your line-items from should get passed all the way through the pipeline as they are produced.

Finally had a chance to try to build with 'stdbuf --output=L --error=L --' in front of the build script, and it caused some crazy problems.

For what it's worth, when I was trying that out msys2 (since that's what you said you were using), I also ran into some very weird errors when just trying to export LD_PRELOAD and _STDBUF_O to what stdbuf -oL sets. It was weird because I didn't see issues when just running a command (including bash) directly under stdbuf. I didn't get to the bottom of it though and I don't have access to a windows laptop any more to experiment.

Also I might ask, why are you setting "--error=L" ?

Not that this is the problem you're seeing, but in any case stderr is unbuffered by default, and you might mess up the output a bit by line buffering it, if it's expecting to output partial lines for progress or whatever.


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