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Re: [directory-discuss] Probably wrong license for libtiff

From: Joshua Gay
Subject: Re: [directory-discuss] Probably wrong license for libtiff
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 13:21:12 -0400
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On 03/17/2016 11:10 AM, markus schnalke wrote:
> Hoi,
> the libtiff entry mentions the license to be 2-clause BSD.

You are correct that this is a mistake. I believe it is most accurate to
say that the license is a variant of the MIT/Expat license, so this is
what I have changed it to.

> Please check if my reasoning is correct and correct the
> directory entry:

Thank you for emailing this list about this entry. It is a good way to
contribute to the directory. I hope in the future, though, you will
consider also making an account on and then editing
the page directly. All edits submitted reviewed and need to be approved
before they appear publicly, but, this review process is fairly quick
when it is simply updates to already published packages -- new packages
submited can take a bit longer.

Thanks again for helping to improve the free software directory.


Joshua Gay
Licensing & Compliance Manager  <>
Free Software Foundation        <>
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