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[Discuss-gnuradio] cannot transmit (USRP2+xcvr2450)

From: Xiaolong Li
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] cannot transmit (USRP2+xcvr2450)
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 17:41:50 -0800

Hello all,

I am using a USRP2+xcvr2450 with the latest trunk of GNU Radio (just compiled/update the firmware and updated FPGA code to the latest release), and FC 10 as the OS. I tried to use TCP/IP statck over USRP2 with modified tunnel.py, transmit_path.py and receive_path.py. I used one USRP2 and one USRP1 and ping USRP2 from USRP1. The USRP2 can receive the packets from USRP1, but the USRP1 cannot receive anything from USRP2. On USRP2 side, I can see packets going back and forth over the ethernet link via wireshark. I noticed that USRP1 code uses "set_auto_tr" to enable auto switching between tx and rx. however, no such function available for USRP2. I am wondering if this causes the problem and how to fix it. Below is my code for transmit path. Thanks.

class transmit_path_usrp2(gr.hier_block2):
   def __init__(self, modulator_class, options):
       See below for what options should hold
gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "transmit_path",
                               gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0), # Input signature
                               gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0)) # Output signature

options = copy.copy(options) # make a copy so we can destructively modify

self._which = options.which # the USRP board attached
       self._verbose            = options.verbose
self._tx_freq = options.tx_freq # tranmitter's center frequency self._tx_amplitude = options.tx_amplitude # digital amplitude sent to USRP self._tx_subdev_spec = options.tx_subdev_spec # daughterboard to use self._bitrate = options.bitrate # desired bit rate self._interp = options.interp # interpolating rate for the USRP (prelim) self._samples_per_symbol = options.samples_per_symbol # desired samples/baud self._fusb_block_size = options.fusb_block_size # usb info for USRP self._fusb_nblocks = options.fusb_nblocks # usb info for USRP self._use_whitener_offset = options.use_whitener_offset # increment start of whitener XOR data

       self._interface = options.interface
       self._mac_addr = options.mac_addr

self._modulator_class = modulator_class # the modulator_class we are using

       if self._tx_freq is None:
sys.stderr.write("-f FREQ or --freq FREQ or --tx-freq FREQ must be specified\n")
           raise SystemExit

# Set up USRP sink; also adjusts interp, samples_per_symbol, and bitrate
       # self._setup_usrp_sink()

       self.u = usrp2.sink_32fc(self._interface, self._mac_addr)

       dac_rate = self.u.dac_rate();

# derive values of bitrate, samples_per_symbol, and interp from desired info
       (self._bitrate, self._samples_per_symbol, self._interp) = \
pick_tx_bitrate(self._bitrate, self._modulator_class.bits_per_symbol(), self._samples_per_symbol, self._interp, dac_rate)


       # copy the final answers back into options for use by modulator
       options.samples_per_symbol = self._samples_per_symbol
       options.bitrate = self._bitrate
       options.interp = self._interp

       # Get mod_kwargs
mod_kwargs = self._modulator_class.extract_kwargs_from_options(options)

       # Set center frequency of USRP2
       #ok = self.set_freq(self._tx_freq)
       #if not ok:
# print "Failed to set Tx frequency to %s" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(self._tx_freq),)
       #    raise ValueError

# Tune the USRP2 FPGA and daughterboard to the requested center frequency
       # and LO offset
       if options.lo_offset is not None:
       print options.tx_freq
       tr = self.u.set_center_freq(options.tx_freq)
       if tr == None:
           sys.stderr.write('Failed to set center frequency\n')
           raise SystemExit, 1

       # transmitter
       self.packet_transmitter = \

       # Set the Tx daughterboard gain as requested
       if options.gain is None:
           g = self.u.gain_range()
           options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2

       # Set the USRP for maximum transmit gain
       # (Note that on the RFX cards this is a nop.)

       self.amp = gr.multiply_const_cc(1)
       # enable Auto Transmit/Receive switching

       # Display some information about the setup
       if self._verbose:

       # Create and setup transmit path flow graph
       self.connect(self.packet_transmitter, self.amp, self.u)

Best regards

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