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[Discuss-gnuradio] Slow message queues... How to speed up?

From: E. Ornelas
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Slow message queues... How to speed up?
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 09:44:05 -0700 (PDT)


I'm trying to write a program that read data from the usrp, then preforms a
fft and plots
the values of the maximum frequency and correspondent amplitude in real

I've come across this problem:
- At first I was using vector_sink but it gave me problems with memory
management, always
crashing after a few moments.
- Now I've implemented a message queue system. With a queue for the
frequency values and
one for the amplitude.
- I've noticed that it became much slower (about 10 fft's per second, 2 per
- I need to have a much higher number to do what I want in the final version

Is there any way to speed up the process? (Have more values per message or
more messages per second maybe..)

Following is my code:

class top(gr.top_block):
        def __init__(self):
                rx_subdev_spec = (0, 0)
                decim = 256
                freq = None
                gain = 10

                self.u = usrp.source_c(decim_rate=decim)

                # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using
                self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, rx_subdev_spec)

                # FFT Parameters
                fftsize = 4096
                mywin = window.blackmanharris(fftsize)
                fft = gr.fft_vcc(fftsize, True, mywin)
                # Get Maximum Value
                c2m = gr.complex_to_mag(fftsize)
                imax = gr.argmax_fs(fftsize)            # index
                amax = gr.max_ff(fftsize)                       # amplitude

                s2f1 = gr.short_to_float()
                s2f2 = gr.short_to_float()
                p0 = gr.probe_signal_f()
                p1 = gr.probe_signal_f()

                # Vector Sink/Source
                ss2v = gr.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, fftsize)
                v2ss = gr.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_float, fftsize)

                # Message Settings
                self.qsize = 10

                self.msgq0 = gr.msg_queue(self.qsize)   # queue frequency
                self.msgq1 = gr.msg_queue(self.qsize)   # queue amplitude

                # Message sink for frequency(0) and amplitude(1) 
                m_sink0 = gr.message_sink(gr.sizeof_float, self.msgq0, True)
                m_sink1 = gr.message_sink(gr.sizeof_float, self.msgq1, True)

                self.connect(self.u, ss2v, fft, c2m, (imax,0), s2f1, m_sink0)
                self.connect((imax,1), s2f2, p1)

                self.connect(c2m, amax, m_sink1)

                # set initial values

                if gain is None:
                # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB
                        g = self.subdev.gain_range()
                        gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2

                        if freq is None:
                                freq = 10.7e6


                                if not(self.set_freq(freq)):
                        if freq is None:
                                freq = 10.7e6


                                if not(self.set_freq(freq)):

        def set_freq(self, target_freq):
                r = usrp.tune(self.u, 0, self.subdev, target_freq)

                return False

        def set_gain(self, gain):

def shift(x,size=4096):
        Shifts indexes so that the first half corresponds to FS-FS/2
        and the second half to FS+FS/2.
                @ x: index number
        if x <= (size/2):
                return x+(size/2)-1
        elif x > (size/2):
                return x-(size/2)-1

def fill_buffer(buffer, data, buffer_size=1000):
                Fill a buffer in a circular form. When buffer_size is reached
        the oldest values are discarded. The number of values discarded
        depend on the size of new ones to add to the buffer.
          @ buffer: vector to add the values
                @ data: list of values to add
          @ buffer_size: 1000 by default
                @ out: final buffer with data values added
        if len(buffer) < buffer_size:
                out = concatenate((buffer,data))
        elif len(buffer) >= buffer_size:
                out = concatenate((buffer[len(data):],data))
        return out

def main ():
        # Start Top Block
        tb = top()

        #Start Flowgraph

        # Set Buffers

        # Read first message

        fmsg = tb.msgq0.delete_head()   # get first frequency message
        amsg = tb.msgq1.delete_head()   # get first amplitude message
        raw_f = fmsg.to_string()        # raw frequency data
        raw_a = amsg.to_string()        # raw amplitude data

        f_data = numpy.fromstring(raw_f, numpy.float32, count = 
int(fmsg.arg2()))       #
converted frequency data
        a_data = numpy.fromstring(raw_a, numpy.float32, count = 
int(amsg.arg2()))       #
converted amplitude data

        # fill frequency buffer
        yf = fill_buffer(yf,f_data)

        # fill frequency buffer
        ya = fill_buffer(ya,a_data)

        # Set Initial Plot Values

        x = [i for i in range(len(yf))]

        a_data = 10.0*scipy.log10(a_data)
        yf = [shift(i,fftsize) for i in yf]     # index shifting
        yf = [10.7e6+i*250e3/fftsize-125e3 for i in yf] # convertion from index 



                fmsg = tb.msgq0.delete_head()   # get first frequency message
                amsg = tb.msgq1.delete_head()   # get first amplitude message

                raw_f = fmsg.to_string()        # raw frequency data
                raw_a = amsg.to_string()        # raw amplitude data
                f_data = numpy.fromstring(raw_f, numpy.float32, count = 
# converted frequency data
                a_data = numpy.fromstring(raw_a, numpy.float32, count = 
# converted amplitude data
                a_data = 10.0*scipy.log10(a_data)
                f_data = [shift(i,fftsize) for i in f_data]                     
# index shifting
                f_data = [10.7e6+i*250e3/fftsize-125e3 for i in f_data] # 
convertion from
index to frequency
                # fill frequency buffer
                yf = fill_buffer(yf, f_data)

                # fill frequency buffer
                ya = fill_buffer(ya, a_data)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main ()

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