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Re: [GSoC] FEC week 10 blog post

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: [GSoC] FEC week 10 blog post
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 18:55:03 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Kayla,

thanks for the updates :) I'm very happy to read all the progress you are making in bringing the aff3ct channel coders/decoders to GNU Radio!

You write you're experiencing segfaults in the BCH implementation. Especially if you get to run a backtrace¹ and want to share it with the mailing list, I bet there's a lot of people that can have a look at it.

Best regards,

¹ something like
$> gdb --args python3 /path/to/your/testscript.py
(gdb) set logging file gdblog.txt
(gdb) set logging enabled
(gdb) run
(… wait till it crashes. you can also `run` multiple times until it does)
(gdb) thread apply all backtrace
(gdb) quit

and then share the gdblog.txt

On 20.08.24 15:08, Kayla Comer wrote:
Hi all,

Here's an update on the project from last week: https://kaylacomer.github.io/blog/posts/week10/ <https://kaylacomer.github.io/blog/posts/week10/>


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