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Re: [Discuss-gnustep] Localization

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnustep] Localization
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 23:05:03 +0200 (CEST)

> Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 21:47:35 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Nicola Pero <n.pero@mi.flashnet.it>
> >     I had the idea a while back of creating a command-line tool that would
> > scan your sources for occurances of this macro, and then create a template
> > Localizable.strings file to hand off to your translators.  Of course,
> > Apple beat me too it, as I noticed in their release notes that they have
> > added just such a tool to MacOS X.
> Ahm - yes - forgot that - this is the other thing which gettext has 
> (and I guess MacOS X has taken the idea from gettext) and which OPENSTEP 
> lacks.

Wrong. genstrings  existed at least  since NeXTSTEP 3.3. I  still have
this makefile from an old NeXTSTEP 3.3 project:

-rw-r-----    1 pascal   regular      2183 Apr  8  1998 genstrings.make

        -rm $(LANGUAGE).lproj/$*.strings
        @echo '// Ce fichier est genere automatiquement par genstrings.make.' \
                > $*_strings.h 
        @echo "// Le source en est : $<" >> $*_strings.h 
        FLAGS="" ;\
                for flag in ${PROPOGATED_CFLAGS} ; do \
                        if [ $$flag != -O ] ; then \
                                FLAGS="$$FLAGS $$flag" ;\
                        fi ;\
                done ;\
                /lib/cpp -DTABLE=\"$*\" $$FLAGS  $< >> $*_strings.h \
                && genstrings -o $(LANGUAGE).lproj $*_strings.h > /dev/null

I doubt that it would be missing in OPENSTEP.

__Pascal Bourguignon__    PGP Key ID:      0xEF5E9966
mailto:pjb@imaginet.fr    PGP fingerprint: 00 F5 7B DB CA 51 8A AD 04 5B 
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