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gworkspace 0.1.3

From: Enrico Sersale
Subject: gworkspace 0.1.3
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:41:12 +0300 (EEST)

I've already sent this mail, but I haven't seen it on the list.
I suppose that it was something wrong...
If it is a duplicate, exuse me :-)

A new release with some bugs fixed and a news:

The Fiend accepts now also wrapped dock-apps; that is, a modified version
of the appletts that you can dock on the Window Maker's Dock.

I've included two exemples, wmtime and wmmon. These are in the directory
Go in their directories and make install.
Then drag it on the Fiend as you do for any other app or wrapper... 

It is very simple to create a wrapper for an applet; look at the files
Wrapper.h and Wrapper.m in these directories: they content all is

The other files (*.c) are the original sources with very litte changes... 

GWorkspace 0.1.3 is at


or at


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