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Re: GNUstep GUI design

From: Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
Subject: Re: GNUstep GUI design
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 23:20:47 +0200

Am Sonntag den, 6. Oktober 2002, um 21:09, schrieb Stefan Urbanek:

The best situation I think is that MusicBox, Encod, and GSBurn
make all the basic funcation (playlist, encoding, burning) into bundles.
Any application just pick up these bundles,
assemble them, intergrate the interface between bundles,
build the GUI, then you have anything you want.

Not a bad idea. Another very similar solution may be a framework providing encoding or burning mechanisms with something like back-end bundles for specific codecs or devices. Then the application does not have to know and care about particular bundles. Framework will provide a list of capabilities that will an application present to the user.

What about using services for that type of thing? Imagine you have an app that provides audio editing features and handles audio files as such. Now you could choose out of the services menu to encode that particular file or to add it to your favorite playlist. GNUstep offers services, we should make use of them.



Lars (hoping not to have missed the point entirely...)

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