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Re: next round: gnustep website proposal

From: Stephen Peters
Subject: Re: next round: gnustep website proposal
Date: 22 Oct 2002 15:35:38 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0802 (Gnus v5.8.2) Emacs/20.7

Jason Clouse <jhclouse@juno.com> writes:

> I like http://www.sqar.org/gnustep/website-relaunch_version_3/ the best. 
> But maybe a little bit of color could help? (something like what
> www.windowmaker.org has, maybe?)

I second this notion.

My main problem is that the layout is still very wide.  Yes, the
layout now adjusts much better to the browser width, but when you
specify the GNUStep title to be 80 pixels high, and set the
white-space: nowrap property on the box titles, you're still forcing
users to have a certain minimum width.  I can understand not wanting
to scale down to a 200-pixel wide window, but I think a site should be
usable if someone's window is around 700 pixels wide.  Right now, an
800-pixel-wide browser window still forces a scroll to see the
righthand column.

Stephen L. Peters                                  portnoy@portnoy.org
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