At 10:53 AM +0100 10/19/02, Finlay Dobbie wrote:
On Saturday, October 19, 2002, at 03:31 am, wrote:
There is an open source working version of Core Foundation for
Darwin which has been ported to some other platforms. The only
difference between it and the closed-source version of CF is the
closed version supports conversion of CFURLs to and from FSRefs
which is very useful.
That is incorrect. CF-Lite is missing lots of functionality of CF.
CFNotification springs to mind as the most obvious example, but there
may be others.
I still don't know how to create an FSRef without closed source libs
See File Manager... For example, FSPathMakeRef. In fact, the code for
CFURLCopyFSRef *IS* in CF-Lite (CoreFoundation/URL.subproj/URL.c,
near the bottom), it's just #ifdef'd out.
-- Finlay
Yes yes, it does it using Carbon. But how does Carbon do it? After all
Carbon does run on top of Darwin, and FSRefs also behave correctly on
UFS volumes.