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Re: Renaissance menus on OS X ?

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Renaissance menus on OS X ?
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 01:58:26 +0000 (GMT)

> >>Can I have a Pop-Up (with connections) in  English 
> >>and a Pop-Up (with connections) + a TextField (without connections)  in 
> >>Fench
> >>for exemple.
> > 
> > I'm not sure what the question is, but nothing stops you from having a
> > separate .gsmarkup file for English, and a separate .gsmarkup file for
> > French if you so need (and if you have that much time to spend), exactly
> > in the same way as .gorm files.
> I think the question is: do gsmodel files support conditionals ?

They don't at the moment, but we can add that later.

> This is what I meant with them being more "WO-like". Eg:
> <var:if condition="NSApp.language" value="French">
>    <popup/>
>    <input type="text"/>
> </var:if>
> <var:if condition="NSApp.language" value="English">
>    <popup/>
> </var:if>
> Currently gsmarkup files are exact descriptions of the resulting tree, 
> but they could be templates which *create* the exact descriptions.

Oh yes - you know I *love* this kind of stuff :-)

Not precisely this example, I mean, but I like this kind of dynamic
alterations of the .gsmarkup files at run time, as they can add a terrible
lot of flexibility, which, if used properly, can probably cut down
development time.

> For example a repetition could create a toolbar row:
> <hbox>
> <var:foreach list="MyBundleManager.allPrefBundles" item="item">
>    <button var:label="item.bundlePath.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent"/>
> </var:foreach>
> </hbox>

Yes.  Nice example.  I can see the implications ... if used properly, this
stuff could cut down development time.  I'd need to experiment with it
more to be sure how much helpful it could potentially be.

Just to make sure - I suppose you are using 'xxx.yyy' to mean 'the result
of [xxx valueForKey: @"yyy"]' ?  (or better, 'xxx.any.thing' to mean the
result of '[xxx valueForKeyPath: @"any.thing"]').

I was already planning to add support for that in all object attributes,
and I'm now quite convinced to add it (independently of var:xxx, but it
seems a definite prerequisite to be able to do something useful with
var:xxx [or whatever we end up implementing to support similar

> XUL does that with RDF datasources which is a bit weird. Eg XUL also 
> allows something like "WO reusable components" with something called "XBL".
> I'm didn't find a lot of time yet to play with R., but I plan to make 
> some prototype that shows my idea ;-)

I'd love that.

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