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Re[4]: How big does it get...

From: Manuel Guesdon
Subject: Re[4]: How big does it get...
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 09:45:00 +0100 (CET)

On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 16:57:19 -0500 Jason Clouse <jhclouse@juno.com> wrote:

 >| <<As maintainer of ftp.gnustep.org. I can do it. What symlink name do you
 >| want?>>
 >| How about:
 >| gstep-core-current.tgz
 >| gstep-dev-libs-current.tgz
 >| gstep-dev-apps-current.tgz
 >| gstep-usr-apps-current.tgz

Done. They are named XXX.current.tar.bz2

 >| The only possible improvement beyond this would be to have more
 >| granularity.  For example, split dev-apps up into gorm-current,
 >| projectcenter-current, nib2gmodel-current, etc.  This way, people use
 >| much less bandwidth, it fits better into the Portage scheme (each
 >| application or tool having it's own ebuild), and it more clearly shows
 >| off the staggering amount of work that has been done. :-)

OK. I'll see how to do this.

 >| <<ftp.gnustep.org is mirrored by progeny.com (but files seems to be out
 >| of date).
 >| We can set rsync accesses for sites wich want to mirror it.>>
 >| Yes, definitely.  ibiblio (a.k.a. Metalab, a.k.a. UNC Sunsite) is
 >| probably the best-known FTP site around, and the GNUstep stuff there is
 >| *so* out-of-date (Last updated over 2 years ago!)

I'll try to contact them...


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