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ANNOUNCE: skyrix-xml-42 available

From: Helge Hess
Subject: ANNOUNCE: skyrix-xml-42 available
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 11:30:01 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030108


Adam Fedor was so kind to put the SKYRiX 4.2 XML package on ftp.gnustep.org:


The package contains:
- a SAX2 Implementation for Objective-C
- SaxObjC driver bundles for
  - libxml2 (HTML and XML)
  - libical (iCalendar)
  - expat   (XML,   untested)
  - plists  (plist, untested)
  - pyx     (pyx,   untested)
- an attempt to implement DOM on top of SaxObjC
- an XML-RPC implementation (without a transport layer)

Everything is released under the LGPL license.
Everything compiles with libFoundation and Cocoa, and should work with gstep-base out of the box. All the libraries are in production use with our SKYRiX 4 groupware server, so most things are pretty well tested.

Comments, fixes and improvements are welcome ;-)

Happy XML-parsing,
Helge Hess                         Email:    helge.hess@skyrix.com
SKYRIX Software AG                 Tel:      +49-391-6623-0
Universitaetsplatz 12              Fax:      +49-391-6623-599
39104 Magdeburg, Germany           Internet: http://www.skyrix.com

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