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Re: KHTML in GNUStep?

From: Helge Hess
Subject: Re: KHTML in GNUStep?
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 19:12:30 +0100
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Chris B. Vetter wrote:
It certainly looks interesting and might indeed be a starting point -
however, I'm personally not particularly fond of SAX, for several
reasons. One, it was primarily designed for writing XML parsers only,
which isn't a big problem if that's all you want/need - BUT (and that's
reason two) - SAX1 is NOT entirely DOM compliant, and SAX2 differs
significantly from SAX1, even if it will be somewhat backward
compatible. So, as far as I know, only if/when the DOM3 specs will be
out there there's chance SAX and DOM will "merge". And third, SAX
takes documents as "streams" instead of a tree, as defined in DOM, which
means it's much harder to do forward/backward references to objects.

I can't follow you. Why should one *merge* SAX and DOM ? SAX is a parser interface and DOM is an in-memory tree structure ? In skyrix-xml SAX is used to build a DOM structure from a wide selection of backend parsers.

SAX is an IMHO useful parser abstraction, comparable to an EOAdaptor. Like you seldom access an EOAdaptor directly in EOF, you usually use DOM (or an object tree built using my SaxObjectDecoder ;-) to access XML files as the "end-user", not SAX.

Helge Hess                         Email:    helge.hess@skyrix.com
SKYRIX Software AG                 Tel:      +49-391-6623-0
Universitaetsplatz 12              Fax:      +49-391-6623-599
39104 Magdeburg, Germany           Internet: http://www.skyrix.com
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