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Re: ANNOUNCE : HelpViewer 0.1

From: Andreas Heppel
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE : HelpViewer 0.1
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 11:52:19 +0100

On 2003-01-20 08:33:55 +0100 Nicolas Roard <nicolas@roard.com> wrote:


I just released an early version of HelpViewer, available on :

HelpViewer could be used as an online help viewer for GNUstep apps.
Currently it miss many features (like indexation and search) but rendering
and navigation should be ok.
But looks very promising so far :) I've been waiting for exactly something like this.


HelpViewer register itself as a reader for "xlp" format, which is a simple
formats inspired by html. In order to automatically call HelpViewer when
clickin on the "help ..." submenu, you need to change NSHelpManager
in gnustep sources, around line 95, the line :
NSString *file = [mb pathForResource: help ofType: @"rtf"];

by :

NSString *file = [mb pathForResource: help ofType: @"xlp"];

By the way, how does the help system is intended to work, for international
support ?

Isn't this inherently implemented in pathForResource:ofType: ? I think this methods checks my languange sundirectories in myapp.app/Resources for appropriate language dependent stuff, doesn't it? What I'd be interested in more, is the question how to set up a context sensitive help for certain UI elements. To be more precise I seem to have understood the API, but would like to know how an application is supposed to reach 'context help mode'. Will I have certain buttons in my panels or should there be a menu entry or how else is this supposed to be in *Step?



Andreas Heppel           SYSGO AG                           aheppel@sysgo.de
Software Engineering     Embedded and Real-Time Software    www.sysgo.de
Voice: +49-6136-9948-0   Am Pfaffenstein 14                 www.elinos.com
FAX:   +49-6136-9948-10  55270 Klein-Winternheim, Germany

Andreas Heppel

Mail: aheppel at web dot de
Home: http://www.andreasheppel.de

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