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Re: ANNOUNCE : HelpViewer 0.1

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE : HelpViewer 0.1
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:00:49 +0100

On 2003-01-20 13:40:44 +0100 Andreas Heppel <aheppel@web.de> wrote:

A context sensitive help ? you mean, tooltips ?

Well, yes and no. Tooltips were interestinmg, too, but as far as I've seen they 
are not implemented, yet.

Yes ... I have a basic implementation but I have some problems with the tracking
rects when widgets are moved...

But what I have found (and what could be a kind of replacement for tooltips) is 
the possibility to register help strings for objects. It's in NSHelpManager:
- (NSAttributedString*) contextHelpForObject: (id)object
The method
- (BOOL) showContextHelpForObject: (id)object locationHint: (NSPoint) point
will then pop up a panel displaying this help text.
- (void) activateContextHelpMode: (id)sender
one can activate a context help mode where the context help panel is opened 
automagically when the user clicks on the object, e.g. a UI element.
My question is where activateContextHelpMode would be called, i.e. do I provide 
a menu entry such as 'Context Help F1' or maybe something else. I wonder 
whether there is a 'standardised' *Step way of achieving this.

Hmm I don't know :-/ Is someone knows how this is handle on mac os x or 
openstep ?

Nicolas Roard <nicolas@roard.com>
the linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one. 'Do it 
yourself'. That's it.

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